Some Advanced Skills for Humanoid Robots(セミナー・シンポジウム)
December 12th, 15:30-17:00, IS Lecture Hall
Abderrahmane Kheddar
CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Laboratory, UMI3218/CRT, Tsukuba, Japan
CNRS-UM2 LIRMM, Interactive Digital Human group, Montpellier, France
This talk will address three topics:
The first part of the talk will present our research endeavor in unifying manipulation and locomotion under a single multi-contact planning framework and show how complex non-gaited motion can be efficiently planned under the assumption of a known perfect model. We then describe the way we solve the multi-contact trajectory generation using model-based optimization techniques. This latter method is computationally demanding and an alternative task-based local closed-loop control that formulates the dynamics and the task constraints (including contact) as a quadratic programming problem that is solved in real-time. This is exemplified with some showcases from the DARPA challenge.
The second part of the paper investigates programming humanoid robots for haptic joint actions with a human partner. We specifically demonstrate some concepts of equal responsibility sharing through role switching and programming of proactive behavior that are exemplified through human-humanoid joint beam transportation task.
The talk will end with research perspectives in contact humanoids and evoke on-going research activities.
The third part of the talk is dedicated to our ongoing research is robotic embodiment and thought-based control of a humanoid robot using brain computer interface. We demonstrate our current achievements.
Short Bio

Abderrahmane KHEDDAR received the ingénieur degree from the Institut National d'Informatique (INI), Algiers, the DEA (Master by research) and Ph.D. degree in robotics, both from the University of Paris 6. He is presently Directeur de Recherche at CNRS and the Director of the CNRS-AIST Joint Robotic Laboratory (JRL), UMI3218/CRT, Tsukuba, Japan. He is also leading the "Interactive Digital Humans" IDH team at CNRS-UM2 LIRMM at Montpellier, France. His research interests include haptics, humanoids and recently thought-based control using brain machine interfaces. He is a founding member and a senior advisor of the IEEE/RAS chapter on haptics and is with the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Robotics and the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; he is a founding member of the IEEE Transactions on Haptics and served in its editorial board during three years (2007-2010). He chaired the 2006 EuroHaptics conference for its first edition in France, and organized several workshops in major robotic conferences.