Theme of KSS2019 is:
Knowledge Science in the Age of Big Data
KSS2019 Scope:
The presentations and papers at KSS2019 are expected to cover but not limited to the following areas:
- Affective / Kansei engineering
- Agent-based social systems sciences
- Analysis of Structured/Unstructured Data on Social Systems
- Big data analytics
- Big data, culture and tourism
- Big data and education
- Big data and healthcare
- Big data and Internet finance
- Bigdata, social perception & societal management
- Collective intelligence
- Complex system modeling, complex networks and complexity science
- Data mining and text mining
- Decision analysis and decision support systems
- Deep Learning
- Disaster and emergency management
- Ecosystem, energy and market, electricity market, renewable energy
- Information fusion and Information quality
- Interactive design for exploratory analytics
- IoT for open innovation
- Knowledge creation, creativity support and awareness support
- Knowledge management and knowledge systems engineering
- Machine learning and pattern recognition
- Natural language processing
- Meta-synthesis and advanced modeling
- On-line social networks
- Opinion dynamics and opinion mining
- Problem structuring methods and systems methodologies toward wicked problems
- Recommendation systems
- Security analytics for big data management
- Semantic computing
- Service systems science
- Social dynamic network modeling and simulation
- Social media oriented knowledge discovery
- Urban computing and smart city
- Visual analytics
Paper Submission and Publication
The authors are invited to submit their full papers by
30 June, 2019 July 22, 2019 (extended deadline). The submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality and scientific quality. Also, as KSS2019 applies double blind review mode, the authors should remove any identifying information (including author names and organizations, emails) from their manuscript before submission. Please refer to for more details.
As done in previous editions, the proceedings of
KSS 2019 will be published by Springer in the
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. Authors are requested to prepare their papers in the
Springer format. Submissions should not exceed 15 pages
and must be submitted as PDF electronically through the conference's
Easychair submission page. Please visit
here for details.
Symposium-Related Special Issue
After the Symposium, the authors of selected papers from KSS 2019 will be invited to submit substantially extended and updated version of their work for possible inclusion in a special issue of
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (JSSSE).