18 - 19 March 2022, Ishikawa, Japan
Final extension - Firm submission deadline: 22 November 2021

- All participants should make registrations by filling in and emailing the registration forms. There are two kinds of registrations: one with a hard copy of the proceedings (an option only for participants living in Japan) and the other without the hard copy.
- The Corresponding Author Registrations must be completed by January 31, 2022.
- The corresponding author of each accepted paper will receive a hard copy of the proceedings with free of charge no matter where s/he lives as far as the mailable address is provided.
- All registered participants can access to the online proceedings.
- "Registration with a hard copy of the proceedings" requires the payment of the registration fee of 7,000 JPY(¥) [an option only for participants living in Japan]. Emailing the receipt of your remittance/the copy of remittance application with the registration form is highly recommended. One hard copy of the proceedings will be sent after the Symposium.
- “Registration without a hard copy of the proceedings” does NOT require any payment (free of charge). Emailing the registration form is necessary. Participants outside Japan must select this Free-of-Charge Registration.
- The exact address should be provided as we will send a copy of the proceedings to this address (only to the corresponding authors or the registrants with a hard copy of the proceedings).
- Participants outside Japan DON’T need to pay the fee but still need to fill in and email the registration form to IUKM 2022 Chairs. The participants living in Japan can chose one of the two kinds of registrations.
Registration Instructions
- [Free-of-Charge Registration (without a hard copy of the proceedings)]
To register for IUKM 2022, please do the following steps:
- Fill in the registration form (WORD or PDF version).
- Send the completed registration form via e-mail to IUKM 2022 at iukm2022@easychair.org
- [Registration with a hard copy of the proceedings (an option only for participants living in Japan)]
Registration with a hard copy of the proceedings is NOW CLOSED! No more registrations of this type will be accepted at this time.
To register for IUKM 2022, please do the following steps:
Fill in the registration form (WORD or PDF version).
Pay the conference registration fee in JPY(¥) via Bank Transfer (Please quote "IUKM 2022 Registration Fee, Your Name and Your Paper IDs" in the description section of your transfer) to:
銀行名 池田泉州銀行 (金融機関コード 0161)
支店名 池田駅前支店 (支店コード 104)
口座 普通 336398
口座名義 アイユーケイエム2022ジッコウイインカイ
振込依頼人 "Your Name" (Please write your name first.)
※ 振込依頼人は、参加登録する方の名前を最初に記してください。
※ The Name of Registrant should be written first at the place of "remitter" (sender).
Send the scanned bank receipt AS WELL AS the completed registration form via e-mail to IUKM 2022 at iukm2022@easychair.org
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