C421 |
目的 | メディアによる様々な創造技法とインターフェイスを体系的に説明し,メディア創造を概観する. |
内容 | 静止画メディアとしてのデジタル画像の仕組みや表現の可能性,CG映像の技術や制作過程など,各種デジタルメディアコンテンツの各要素について講述する. また,人と人工物のインタラクションに関して考察し,使い易い道具,使いにくい道具を分析する. つづいて,実世界のものとのインタラクションを利用した実世界指向インタフェースの考え方とその応用例を紹介し, さらに,現在コンピュータ利用の大きな流れとなっているユビキタスコンピューティングについて述べ,そのためのヒューマンインタフェース手法とアプリケーションについて紹介する. |
講義計画 | 1. イントロ:メディアと表現 宮田は#1-#10を担当.#11-#14は,椎尾教授@お茶の水女子大が担当. |
評価 | 評価の観点: 評価方法: |
C621 |
先端メディア創造特論 |
目的 | We discuss the advanced topics on mediating methodologies mainly by means of digital media. For underlying the advances of the various media technologies, we are exploring a new field of information sciences, engineerings and arts that enhance human creative activities. We also discuss advanced topics on media technology for facilitating human experiences. In particular, we discuss input and output methods of the five senses as components of interactive media and communication robots. |
内容 | (1) Understanding the nature of digital visual information, and considering about the application of computer graphics in next generation. (2) Understanding creative knowledge work in design, meta-design cognition, and feasibility of design works supported by digital media. (3) Understanding input and output methods not only of auditory and visual but also of tactile, olfactory and gustatory data for facilitating human experiences.. (4) Understanding how we can design and evaluate communication robots as media for facilitating human experiences. |
講義計画 | 1. Advanced topics in digital visual information 2. Advanced topics in real-time CG 3. Exercises in real-time CG 4. Discussion: CG in next generation 5. Advanced topics in design knowledge studies 6. Advanced topics in digital design 7. Discussion: meta-design 8. Multimedia input and output methods: overview 9. Multimedia input and output methods: case study 10. Multimedia input and output methods: application systems 11. Multimedia input and output methods; discussion 12. Design of intelligent robots (1) 13. Design of intelligent robots (2) 14. Design and evaluation of human-robot interactions (1) 15. Design and evaluation of human-robot interactions (2) This course will be presented in English biennially. |
評価 | The grade is evaluated by the quality of the study or survey report to be presented during the lecture, and the final report. |