2016.11.2-4: 4th ICDC - The 4th International Conference on Design Creativity 将在佐治亚理工学院(美国亚特兰大州)举办。
2013:新刊《国际周刊:设计的创造及革新》(Taylor & Francis)发行。新刊正在征集评论的原稿。周刊主页,论文募集。The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for review. Journal homepage, Call for Papers
2013.6.17-20:永井研究室于悉尼工科大学举办的2nd Call for Papers of 9th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition发表演讲。
题目:'Intersections and Interactions'
主办方:ACM(Association for Computing Machinary),SIGCHI(Special Interest Group Computer Human Interaction ), 悉尼工科大学,Interaction Consortium
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2013.01.29:永井研究室&设计创造单位通过以法国为基地进行工作的艺术家Florencio PAIVA与森田奏美举办了以「From the outside: Influence of different cultures in the work of two young artists」为主题的研讨会。
2013.01.07-09:ICoRD'13 (International Conference at IIT Madras)在印度的金奈举行。詳細は こちら