a workshop

Algebra & Substructural Logics was a workshop on algebraic approach to substructural logic, organised by Hiroakira Ono and Tomasz Kowalski at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST).

Substructural logics, named thus because when formulated as Gentzen systems they lack one or more structural rules, have recently been enjoying ever greater popularity. However, no approach enabling researchers to study all these within one framework seems to have emerged yet. Since the organisers believe that universal algebra can provide such a unifying framework, the emphasis is on the algebra rather than on logic.

The workshop was held from 10 to 17 November 1999, with talks and presentations taking place on 11, 12, and 13 November, and the rest of the time devoted to informal contacts, meetings and discussions.

Proceedings of the workshop have been published as a special issue of Reports on Mathematical Logic (RML).



Photos - courtesy of Yuichi Komori. Many thanks!

And, by the way, JAIST is only 20km from the beautiful town of Kanazawa

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