-- ======================================================================== -- QLOCK state term constructors for combinatorial generation scripts -- ======================================================================== -- ======================================================================== require qlock-sys require genCases -- ======================================================================== -- mod! GENstTerm {ex(STATE + GENcases) -- state term constructors for generations of state terms [Qu Aid Label Aobs State < Val] -- defining t(1) t(2) for composing state terms for QLOCK -- in combinatorial generation script -- t__ is defined in the module GENcases in genCases.cafe eq t("lb[_]:__")(A:Aid,L:Label,AS:Aobs) = ((lb[A]: L) AS) . eq t("_$_")(Q:Qu,AS:Aobs) = (Q $ AS) . } -- ======================================================================== provide qlock-genStTerm -- ======================================================================== eof