-- ======================================================================== -- ABP Proof score for invariant properties -- the second verification condition -- ======================================================================== -- ======================================================================== require abp-prop require abp-genCheck -- ======================================================================== mod! ABP-INV-2-genCheck {ex(ABP-INV-2 + INIT + IINV) op ck : -> IndTr . eq ck = check([init]) .} ** init = [(sBit: f)(sNn: 0)(srCh: empBN)(rBit: f)(rNns: empN)(rsCh: empB)] -- ======================================================================== open ABP-INV-2-genCheck . eq p-init = init . eq p-iinv = iinv1 iinv2 . red ck . close -- ======================================================================== eof ** end of file -- the above proof score just checks -- cj(iinv1 iinv2,init)