-- ======================================================================== -- ABP state term constructors for combinatorial generation scripts -- ======================================================================== -- ======================================================================== require abp-sys require genCases -- ======================================================================== -- mod! GENst {ex(PRE-STATE + GENcases) -- state term constructors for generations of state terms [Bit Nn Bnp SrCh NnSeq RsCh Obs PreState < Val] -- [SbitOb SnnOb SrchOb RbitOb RnnsOb RschOb < Obs] -- t__ is defined in the module GENcases in genCases.cafe eq t("_sr_")(SRC1:SrCh,SRC2:SrCh) = (SRC1 SRC2) . eq t("sr___")(SRC1:SrCh,SRC2:SrCh,SRC3:SrCh) = (SRC1 SRC2 SRC3) . eq t("_rs_")(RSC1:RsCh,RSC2:RsCh) = (RSC1 RSC2) . eq t("rs___")(RSC1:RsCh,RSC2:RsCh,RSC3:RsCh) = (RSC1 RSC2 RSC3) . eq t("bn__")(B:Bit,N:Nn) = bn(B,N) . eq t("sBit_")(B:Bit) = (sBit: B) . eq t("sNn_")(N:Nn) = (sNn: N) . eq t("srCh_")(SRC:SrCh) = (srCh: SRC) . eq t("rBit_")(B:Bit) = (rBit: B) . eq t("rNns_")(NS:NnSeq) = (rNns: NS) . eq t("rsCh_")(RSC:RsCh) = (rsCh: RSC) . eq t("[______]")(C1:Obs,C2:Obs,C3:Obs,C4:Obs,C5:Obs,C6:Obs) = [(C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6)] . } -- ======================================================================== provide abp-genSt -- ======================================================================== eof