-- ======================================================================== -- declarations of constants and literals for ABP -- ======================================================================== -- ======================================================================== require abp-sys -- ======================================================================== -- arbitrary constants and constant literals mod* CONST-LITL {ex(CONFIG) -- arbitray constants; fresh constants ops src1 src2 : -> SrCh . ops ns1 ns2 : -> NnSeq . ops rsc1 rsc2 : -> RsCh . -- Nn literals [NnLt < Nn] ops n1 n2 n3 : -> NnLt . -- an equation for literals of sort NnLt eq (N1:NnLt = N2:NnLt) = (N1 == N2) . -- Bnp literals [BnpLt < Bnp] ops bn1 bn2 bn3 : -> BnpLt . eq (BN1:BnpLt = BN2:BnpLt) = (BN1 == BN2) . } -- ======================================================================== provide abp-constLitl -- ======================================================================== eof