





国立大学法人北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 教育支援課入試係
TEL: 0761-51-1177 E-mail: nyushi@ml.jaist.ac.jp



 地域イノベーション推進センターに令和6年能登半島地震に関する復興支援タスクフォースを立ち上げ、産学官金連携イベント「Matching HUB」の地域活性化に関するノウハウに加えて、北陸地域内外の産業界、行政機関、支援機関、金融機関とのネットワークや連携を活用して、被災された地域企業の復興支援に取り組みます。
 本学は平成28年4月に発生した熊本地震からの復興支援を目的として、「Matching HUB」を熊本市で3年間にわたり開催した経験があり、その際の知見も活用する予定です。
 「Matching HUB」は本学が中心となって開催している地域活性化、地方創生を目指した新製品・新事業の開発のためのプラットホームであり、これまでに能登地域の多くの企業も参加しています。














北陸先端科学技術大学院大学長 寺野 稔


We would like to express our deepest sympathies to victims of the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

The Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) has always been committed to contributing to society and creating a sustainable future. And among the issues to be solved that we are now facing, the Noto Peninsula earthquake is a particularly serious one. We will make the best use of our university's knowledge and technology for the reconstruction and revitalization of the affected areas.

For those who plan to enroll in April, 2024

We think you have a concern about the Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Fortunately, there are no big damages in our campus buildings and no problems are expected with school attendance.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
We sincerely hope your new campus life will be meaningful and fulfilling for you.

Admissions Section, Educational Affairs Department
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
TEL: 0761-51-1177 E-mail: nyushi@ml.jaist.ac.jp

Support Activities for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

JAIST has been conducting the following support activities for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

  1. Launch of Recovery Support Task Force
    The Recovery Support Task Force established at the Regional Innovation Promotion Center is engaged in recovery support of local companies affected by the disaster, by utilizing the regional revitalization know-how obtained through the industry-academia-government-finance collaboration events "Matching HUB and also utilizing networks and partnerships with industry, government agencies, support organizations, and financial institutions in the Hokuriku region and beyond.

    JAIST has experience in holding "Matching HUB" in Kumamoto for three years to support reconstruction from the Kumamoto Earthquake that occurred in April, 2016. We would like to make the most of this experience.

    The "Matching HUB" organized by JAIST is a platform for developing the new products and the new business aimed at regional revitalization and local development, and many companies in Noto region have participated so far.

    This task force will support Noto recovery by collecting current needs and seeds in the Noto region, responding to those requests, and providing matching support.

  2. Providing accommodations to faculty members dispatched to Ishikawa (Facilities where evacuated junior high school students take refuge)
    On-campus accommodations are provided for faculty members dispatched from across Japan to support junior high school students who have been evacuated in groups to accommodations and training facilities in Hakusan city and Kanazawa city.

  3. Proposed support activities for junior high school students undergoing group evacuation
    JAIST, having thought it would be a good idea to provide the students who are forced to evacuate to Hakusan city and Kanazawa city with an environment where they can study and relax in peace, even if only for a moment, has proposed through Ishikawa Board of Education their faculty's on-site lectures and campus tour for them.

  4. Investigation of 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
    JAIST is participating in the clarification of the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, the investigation of uplift, tsunami, and other actual conditions, and the dissemination of these findings to society.

  5. Donation
    Donation boxes have been set up on campus to collect donations for people in the affected areas.

For Students, Faculty and Staff members

We are in the process of confirming that all of our students, faculty and staff members are safe and sound, but we are deeply concerned that some of you may have relatives or friends who have been affected and are in a difficult situation. We are preparing a support system within JAIST so that students, faculty and staff members whose relatives were affected by the disaster can study and work with comfort and peace of mind.

  1. Special leave for disasters etc.
    Faculty and staff members who provide support to their relatives and friends affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake may take a special leave for the period deemed necessary.

  2. Mental health care
    We have set up a consultation service to people who need mental health care, please do not keep it to yourself.

    Mental health care for disasters

  3. Disaster Volunteer Participation
    Students who wish to participate in disaster volunteer activities are requested to confirm the following information and take all necessary precautions to ensure their safety during activities.

    To students who wish to participate in disaster volunteer activities in the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

    If you have any problems related to the disaster, please contact the Crisis Management of the General Affairs Department.
    (General Affair Department / Crisis Management:kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)

JAIST will provide as much support as possible to those who have been affected by the disaster, if requested. We sincerely hope that everyone in the affected areas will be able to return to their normal, peaceful lives as soon as possible.

February 21, 2024
President, Minoru Terano
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology