【学生・教職員の皆様へ】学長メッセージ 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策について(令和3年6月21日更新)
- 新型コロナウイルスの感染経路は、飛沫感染と接触感染が原因であり、各自が「三つの密を避ける」、「人と人との距離を確保する」、「マスクを着用する」、「手の消毒・手洗いなどの手指衛生を心掛ける」等の基本的な感染対策を徹底すること。
- 学生・教職員が、健康で安全に生活できるよう、原則として大学構内(学生寄宿舎含む)においてはマスクを着用し、特に、人との接触・会話をする際にはその着用を徹底すること。
- 政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会が提示した感染リスクが高まる「5つの場面」(別添を参照)については、避けること。
- 出張、県境をまたぐ移動を伴う業務に際しては、引き続きオンラインの活用や時期の見直しを検討するとともに、当該移動先に対し、政府または地方自治体による「緊急事態宣言」、「まん延防止等重点措置」などが発出されている場合は、不要不急の出張、旅行は行わないこと。学生指導については、出来る限りオンラインの活用を図ること。
- 上記を踏まえてもなお、緊急事態宣言対象地域等への出張、旅行を行わざるを得なくなった場合は、必ず危機管理担当(kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)に連絡すること。
※現在、連絡のない事例が発生しており、必ず連絡すること。 - その他の地域においても、感染者の発生状況、クラスターの有無、感染経路が明確か否か等を十分に考慮した上で判断すること。
- 県外からの来学者の取扱いも同様とすること。
なお、学生においては、特に以下の事項に留意すること。〇 出張(研究活動、学会出席等)の場合は、必ず事前に指導教員に連絡すること。〇 就職活動(インターンシップを含む。)の場合は、必ず事前に就職支援室(syusyokus@ml.jaist.ac.jp)に連絡すること。〇 課外活動を学外で行う場合には、必ず事前に学生・留学生支援課(gakusei@ml.jaist.ac.jp)に連絡すること。 - 全国各地で若者同士の飲食を伴う場面でクラスターが発生しています。家族、親戚等との会食においても、新型コロナウイルス感染を自ら招かないよう極めて慎重に行動すること。
- 日本から出国する場合(修了後、帰国する場合を除く。)
〇 コロナ禍における学生の海外渡航については、別途通知したとおり。※なお、やむを得ず日本から出国することになった場合は、日本入国の際に必要となる防疫対策措置(外国を出国する前72時間以内の検査証明書の提示、入国後14日間の公共交通機関の不使用等)について最新の情報を確認し、その指示に従うこと。参考:厚生労働省HP
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00209.html - 東京サテライトの開室等に関しては、別途通知したとおり。
- 発熱等の体調不良がある場合は、かかりつけ医又は石川県発熱患者等受診相談センター(電話:0120-540-004)に電話し、相談すること。相談の結果、受診するよう指示があった場合は、公共交通機関(JAIST Shuttleを含む。)を使わずに受診すること。
また、受診時にPCR 検査、抗原検査を実施した場合、学生寄宿舎及び職員宿舎入居者にあっては、クラスター化防止のため、直接自室には戻れず、大学が指定する待機場所に入室することになるので、現金、健康保険証、着替え・パジャマ、携帯電話(充電器含む。)等の身の回り品を持参すること。
なお、復路の交通手段の確保が困難な場合は、医療機関又は保健所(電話:0761-22-0793)に相談すること。 - 政府による緊急事態宣言の対象範囲や期間等の変更、石川県からの新たな要請、本学で新型コロナウイルス感染症罹患者が発生した場合は、随時、必要な措置を採るので、その際は、協力をお願いします。
学長 寺野 稔
To Students, Faculty and Staff members,
I would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our infection prevention measures against COVID-19.
The government has decided to lift the State of Emergency from Hokkaido, Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima and Fukuoka prefectures as of June 20. Okinawa Prefecture is now the only area subject to the government's State of Emergency Declaration.
However, Hokkaido, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka prefectures are still under the "Priority measures to prevent the spread of disease" until July 11, indicating that we should stay alert.
In Ishikawa Prefecture, "Priority measures to prevent the spread of disease" and its own "State of Emergency" were lifted on June 13 as the infection situation has started to improve. However, Ishikawa Prefecture has issued its own monitoring indicator, Stage II, "Infection Spread Warning," and in order to prevent the rebound of the spread of infection in the future, it is important for each of us to take thorough infection prevention measures and make them a "part of our daily lives" without letting our guard down.
In response to the recent cluster outbreak at a high school in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture requested that we conduct a PCR test for resident of student housing in order to detect infected people early and prevent the spread of infection. As a result of the test, there were no positive cases. We would like to express our gratitude for the infection prevention measures taken on a daily basis and ask for your continued cooperation.
In the COVID-19 pandemic, in response to the social demand to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we requested everyone to take thorough infection prevention measures, which restricted the education, research and various activities of students. In order to ease the current restrictions, and in according with the government's policy of promoting COVID-19 vaccination in workplaces and universities, we are currently coordinating with the relevant organizations regarding vaccination for students, faculty and staff members, etc. We will announce the details as soon as they are determined.
Therefore, JAIST will take the following measures starting today, and we would like to ask everyone to stay alert and take all possible measures against the COVID-19.
- Coronavirus can be transmitted through droplet and contact, and it is important for each person to thoroughly take infection control measures such as "avoid the three Cs", "keep a safe distance from others", "wear a mask" and "wash hands and use hand sanitizer". In order to ensure the health and safety of all students, faculty and staff members, wear a mask as a general rule on campus (including the student housings) especially when coming into contact with or talking to others.
- Avoid the "5 situations that increase the risk of infection" (see attachment) issued by the Subcommittee on Novel Coronavirus Disease Control.
- Continue to consider the use of online services in place of business trips and operations that involve travel across prefectural borders, and do not take nonessential business trip or travel if the national or local government issued a "State of emergency" or "Priority measures to prevent the spread of disease" for the destination. As for student guidance, use the online system as much as possible.
- If it is necessary to make a business trip or travel to the area subject to a "State of Emergency", be sure to inform the Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp).
※There have been cases where the Crisis Management has not been notified, so please be sure to contact them.
- For the other areas, the decision on whether or not to travel should be made after careful consideration of the infection status, COVID-19 cluster status, and whether or not infection routes are clear at the destination.
- The same apply to visitors from outside of Ishikawa prefecture.
After you travel, monitor your health and if you are unwell such as have a fever, email the Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp) immediately and do not come to the campus.
For students, note the followings○ Business trip (research activities, conferences etc.)
must inform your supervisor in advance.○ Job-hunting (including internship)
must inform the Career Support Office (syusyokus@ml.jaist.ac.jp) in advance.○ Off-campus extracurricular activity
must inform the Student Affairs Department (gakusei@ml.jaist.ac.jp) in advance. - COVID-19 clusters caused by eating out and drinking have been reported nationwide, especially among young people. To prevent getting infected with COVID-19, please be cautious even when dining with your family and relatives etc.
- Departure from Japan (except for return to home country after completion)
○ As for the student's overseas travel during COVID-19 pandemic, refer to the separate notice.○ As for the faculty and staff member's overseas travel during COVID-19 pandemic, refer to the separate notice.*If it is necessary to travel out of Japan, check Border enforcement measures for the latest information on entry to Japan, and follow their instructions (submit a certificate of negative test result conducted within 72 hours prior to departing from the country/region where travelers stay, non-use of public transportation for 14 days after entering Japan, etc.).
Reference: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00209.html - Regarding the opening etc. of the Tokyo Satellite, refer to the separate notice.
- If you are unwell such as have a fever, call your primary care doctor or the Ishikawa Consulting Center for Patients with Fever (0120-540-004) for consultation. Those who are instructed to see a doctor, do not use public transportations (including JAIST Shuttle). If you are taking Kanaya Taxi (076-272-0085), call in advance and inform them that you have a fever and visiting a doctor.
In order to prevent COVID-19 cluster on campus, residents of JAIST student housing and staff housing who are tested for PCR/antigen at their doctor's visit will be placed in designated accommodation without returning to their own rooms, so bring personal belongings such as cash, health insurance card, change of clothes/sleeping wear and mobile phone (including charger) etc.
Email your doctor's visit result to the Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp) and follow their instructions. If the test result is positive, the Crisis Management and Health Center staff will ask you about your movement (date, time, location, activities and contacts), please give them your cooperation. If you do not have return transportation from doctors, ask for assistance at the hospital or health center (0761-22-0793). - COVID-19 vaccination will be conducted in the municipality where your current address is registered, so please confirm your registration.
(COVID-19 vaccine(Ishikawa prefecture)) - If there is a change in the area or period for the State of emergency declared by the national government, a new order from Ishikawa prefectural government, or COVID-19 patients are reported on campus, we will immediately take necessary measures and ask for your kind cooperation.
Since there are confirmed COVID-19 cases and clusters reported in Nomi city, neighboring cities and universities, we cannot let our guard down against the COVID-19.
In addition to COVID-19, seasonal infections (measles, rubella, etc.) may also become widespread.
This is also an important time for students who are doing job-hunting activities such as internships, and for new students who have been assigned to laboratories and will start their studies, research, and job-hunting activities. I strongly hope that you will stay free from various infectious diseases during this important time. Therefore, I would like to ask for your continued cooperation in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
June 21, 2021
TERANO Minoru,
President of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(English)5 situations that increase risk of infection