【学生・教職員の皆様へ】学長メッセージ 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策について/【To Students, Faculty and Staff members】Message from the President
- 政府の新型コロナ感染症対策分科会が提示した感染リスクが高まる「5つの場面」(別添を参照)については、極力避けること。
- 年末年始においては、会合(飲食が伴わないものも含む。)やいわゆる飲み会の機会が増加するため、開催の是非、参加の必要性について十分検討するとともに、少人数(4人以内)、短時間かつ十分な感染防止措置(例:狭隘な空間を避ける、定期的な換気を行う、マスクを着用する等。以下同じ。)を講じた上で行うこと。教職員において、業務遂行上、止むを得ないと判断される場合は5人以上で行うことも可とするが、その場合、短時間かつ十分な感染防止措置を講ずること、また、各都道府県が定める新型コロナウイルス感染症対策取組宣言を遵守している旨のステッカー等が掲示されている店舗を利用すること。
- 県境をまたぐ移動については、特段の制限は行わないが、移動に際しては、当該移動先の感染者の発生状況、クラスターの有無、感染経路が明確か否か等を十分に考慮した上で判断すること(県外からの来学者も同様とする。)。加えて、本学に戻った後は、体温の測定などの体調管理に努め、発熱等の体調不良の場合は、直ちに危機管理担当(kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)にメールで連絡すること。
〇 帰省や就職活動(インターンシップを含む。)、研究活動等のために県境をまたいで移動する 学生は、必ず事前に指導教員(就職活動の場合は就職支援室にも)に報告すること。〇 課外活動を学外で行う場合には、必ず事前に学生・留学生支援課に申請し、許可を得ること。 - 日本から出国する場合は、日本人学生は「海外渡航届」、留学生は「一時出国・帰国届」を学生・留学生支援課に必ず事前に提出すること、教職員においては、必ず事前に所属長、危機管理担当(kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)に連絡すること。外務省が定める感染症危険レベル3の国においては渡航禁止、レベル2の国においては不要不急の渡航を行わないこと。なお、目的国及び日本への入国時に隔離期間を設けているので、当該期間を十分に配慮した上で日本からの出国を検討すること。加えて、帰国後、教職員の中で業務遂行上やむを得ず空港周辺の宿泊施設での隔離期間を経ることなく直ちに本学に戻る場合においては、本学が指定する場所に待機することになるので、危機管理担当(kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)の指示に従うこと。
- 年末年始、特に年始においては、公共交通機関が運休・間引き運転、商業施設の休業、JAIST Shuttleの運休、食堂・売店の休業があるので、事前に詳細を確認しておくなど注意すること。また、本学における新型コロナウイルス感染症罹患者の発生や大雪等により、JAIST Shuttleの臨時運休、食堂・売店の臨時休業が行われる可能性があるため、食料品をはじめとする生活必需品を通常より多く購入しておくことを推奨する。
〇 JAIST Shuttle :1月1日及び2日は運休〇 のみバス :1月1日から3日まで運休〇 食堂・売店 :12月29日から1月3日まで休業
- 発熱等の体調不良がある場合は、かかりつけ医又は石川県発熱患者等受診相談センター(電話:0120-540-004)に電話し、相談すること。相談の結果、受診するよう指示があった場合は、公共交通機関(JAIST Shuttleを含む。)を使わずに受診すること。なお、かなやタクシー(電話:076-272-0085)を利用する場合は、電話連絡を行い、「発熱しており、医療機関へ行くためにタクシーを利用したい」旨を伝え、かなやタクシーの了解を得ること。
陽性であった場合は、危機管理担当(kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp)及び保健所から行動履歴(日時、場所、行動内容、接触者等)が確認されるので、協力すること。また、復路の交通手段の確保が困難な場合は、医療機関又は保健所(電話:0761-22-0793)に相談すること。 - 政府による緊急事態宣言の再発令、石川県からの要請、本学で新型コロナウイルス感染症罹患者が発生した場合は、至急、必要な措置を取るので、その際は、ご協力をお願いしたい。
学長 寺野 稔
To Students, Faculty and Staff members,
December 17, 2020
I would like to thank you all for your support and cooperation in dealing with the COVID-19.
Since the government declared a state of emergency on April 7th, JAIST has been holding many countermeasure meetings with the Executives, Deans, and Director of Health Care Center and taken necessary measures. With the effort from everyone involved in the university we were able to continue to this day without getting anyone infected with COVID-19.
On October 9th, we announced the prevention measures on campus against the COVID-19 for the start of the Term 2-1(Ishikawa) and Term Ⅲ(Tokyo). However, considering the rapid increase of COVID-19 patients and cluster outbreak all over Japan, we would like you to note following measures as we started the Term 2-2(Ishikawa) and for this coming Year-end and New Year holidays.
- Avoid as much as possible the "5 situations" (see attachment) that increase the risk of infection presented by the government's Coronavirus Infection Control Subcommittee.
- During the Year-end and New Year holidays, there will be more gatherings and drinking parties. However, carefully consider if the gathering is necessary or if you should join. If gathering is to be hold, make sure the gathering is only with a small number of people (up to 4 people) for a short time and take prevention measures (e.g. regular ventilation, wear mask, avoid tight spaces etc.). Faculty and staff members may hold the gathering with 5 or more people only if the gathering is considered unavoidable for duty related reasons. In that case, hold the gathering only for a short time, take prevention measures, and hold the gathering at only restaurants that follow the COVID-19 infections disease countermeasures set by prefectures and have the sticker stating their declaration of the countermeasures.
- JAIST does not set rules for travel across prefectural borders. However, check the infection status, COVID-19 cluster status and whether infection routes are clear or not at your destination then consider carefully before you decide to travel (same apply to visitors from outside of prefecture). When you are back on campus, monitor your health such as body temperature and if you have a fever or feel unwell e-mail Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp).
〇 who are planning a trip to another prefecture for job hunting (including internship) or research activities must report to your supervisor (in the case of job hunting also report to Career Support Office) in advance.〇 who are planning to do extracurricular activities off campus, get approval from student Affairs Department in advance. - If you are planning to departure from Japan, submit a notification to Student Affairs Department in advance. For Japanese students "Notice of Overseas Travel(海外渡航届)", for international students "Notice of Temporary Leave (coronavirus infection compatible version)". If you are a faculty or staff member, contact the head of your department or supervisor and Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp) in advance. Travel to countries listed Level 3 on the Ministry of Foreign Affairsʼ "Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases" is prohibited, also avoid nonessential travel to Level 2. There is a quarantine period for entry into your destination country and Japan, so consider that period before deciding to travel. Faculty and staff members who return to JAIST without quarantine period at an accommodation near the airport because of duty related reasons, will be quarantined at the accommodation designated by JAIST, so follow instructions from Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp).
- During the Year-end and New Year holydays especially on the New Yearʼs Day, public transportations will be suspended or less number of operations, JAIST shuttle will be suspended, shopping centers, cafeteria and JAIST shop are closed, please check operations hours beforehand. In case of COVID-19 infection break out on campus or a heavy snow, JAIST Shuttle will be temporary suspended, shorten operation time or less number of operations, cafeteria and JAIST shop will be temporary closed. We recommend that you purchase groceries and daily necessities in advance.
〇 JAIST Shuttle: operation suspended on January 1st and 2nd〇 NOMI Bus: operation suspended from January 1st to 3rd〇 Cafeteria, JAIST shop: closed from December 29th to January 3rd - In case you feel unwell and have a fever, call your primary care doctor or the Ishikawa Prefecture Consulting Center for the Fever Patients (0120-540-004) for consultation.
If you are instructed to visit a doctor, do not use public transportations (including JAIST Shuttle). If you are using Kanaya Taxi (076-272-0085), call in advance to inform them that you "have to a fever and visiting a doctor".
To prevent COVID-19 cluster on campus, residents of JAIST student housing and staff housing who are tested for PCR/antigen at their doctorʼs visit will be placed in designated accommodation without returning to their own rooms, so please bring personal belongings such as cash, insurance card, change of clothes/sleeping wear and mobile phone (including charger) etc.
E-mail your doctorʼs visit result to Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp) and follow their instructions.
If the test result is positive, Crisis Management (kikikanri@ml.jaist.ac.jp) and Health Center will ask you about your movement history (date, time, location, activities and contacts), please give them your cooperation. If you do not have return transportation from doctors, please ask for assistance at the hospital or health center (0761-22-0793). - If the government declares the state of emergency, or an order from Ishikawa Prefecture or COVID-19 infection occurs on campus. We will take necessary measure immediately and ask for your cooperation.
There are great concerns for rapid spread of infection, as the number of people infected with the COVID-19 per day has reached the highest level in various parts of Japan. Also in Ishikawa Prefecture, cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported in neighboring cities, universities, and Nomi City, under the current circumstances we have to stay alert.
To our students, faculty and staff members, please continue to take prevention measures against infection (wear mask, wash hands, practice the cough etiquette, and avoiding "three Cs") to protect yourself.
During winter time, there are also concern for influenza and norovirus infections. For students, after the Year-end and New Year holidays it is time to summarize the research and present your achievement. I strongly hope that you will complete your studies without getting infection. Therefore, I would like to ask that the entire university to work together to prevent infection and keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.
TERANO Minoru,
President of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(English) 5 situations to increase risk of infection
(Chinese) 增加感染风险的「5个场景」