

学生のXUEさんがICANN2024においてENNS Student Awardを受賞

 学生のXUE, Jieyingさん(博士後期課程3年、コンピューティング科学研究領域、グエン研究室)が、33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks(ICANN2024)においてENNS Student Awardを受賞しました。

 ICANNはEuropean Neural Network Society(ENNS)の年次主要会議で、令和6年9月17日~20日にかけて、スイス(ルガーノ)で開催されました。
 ICANN 2024では、AIと機械学習、バイオインスパイアードコンピューティング、アプリケーションという3つの会議トラックが設けられ、人工知能とニューラルネットワークに関する幅広い分野の研究者が一堂に会しました。

※参考:ICANN 2024


BiosERC: Integrating Biography Speakers Supported by LLMs for ERC Tasks

Jieying Xue, Minh-Phuong Nguyen, Blake Matheny & Le-Minh Nguyen

In the Emotion Recognition in Conversation task, recent investigations have utilized attention mechanisms exploring relationships among utterances from intra- and inter-speakers for modeling emotional interaction between them. However, attributes such as speaker personality traits remain unexplored and present challenges in terms of their applicability to other tasks or compatibility with diverse model architectures. Therefore, this work introduces a novel framework named BiosERC, which investigates speaker characteristics in a conversation. By employing Large Language Models (LLMs), we extract the "biographical information" of the speaker within a conversation as supplementary knowledge injected into the model to classify emotional labels for each utterance. Our proposed method achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on three famous benchmark datasets: IEMOCAP, MELD, and EmoryNLP, demonstrating the effectiveness and generalization of our model and showcasing its potential for adaptation to various conversation analysis tasks. Our source code is available at https://github.com/yingjie 7/BiosERC

I am deeply honored to receive this award. It not only recognizes our work but also gives me the opportunity to engage in face-to-face academic exchanges with colleagues in Switzerland, which has greatly enhanced my presentation skills. I am sincerely grateful to JAIST and Professor Nguyen Minh Le for their generous financial support.

