コンピューティング科学研究領域の藤﨑教授がPKC 2024において Test of Time Awardを受賞
コンピューティング科学研究領域の藤﨑英一郎教授がPublic Key Cryptography conference 2024(PKC 2024)において、Test of Time Awardを受賞しました。
PKC2024は、4月15日~17日にかけてオーストラリア(シドニー)で開催された国際暗号学会(IACR)主催の主要会議の一つで、特にテーマを公開鍵暗号系のアルゴリズムに絞った国際会議です。PKC Test of Time Award は2019年から始まった試みで、同会議で発表され15年程度経った論文からベストな論文を今の視点で選ぶ賞です。
*国際暗号学会 International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
*国際会議 PKC 2024
*PKC Test of Time Award
Traceable Ring Signature
Eiichiro Fujisaki and Koutarou Suzuki
The ring signature allows a signer to leak secrets anonymously, without the risk of identity escrow. At the same time, the ring signature provides great flexibility: No group manager, no special setup, and the dynamics of group choice. The ring signature is, however, vulnerable to malicious or irresponsible signers in some applications, because of its anonymity. In this paper, we propose a traceable ring signature scheme. A traceable ring scheme is a ring signature except that it can restrict "excessive" anonymity. The traceable ring signature has a tag that consists of a list of ring members and an issue that refers to, for instance, a social affair or an election. A ring member can make any signed but anonymous opinion regarding the issue, but only once (per tag). If the member submits another signed opinion, possibly pretending to be another person who supports the first opinion, the identity of the member is immediately revealed. If the member submits the same opinion, for instance, voting "yes" regarding the same issue twice, everyone can see that these two are linked. The traceable ring signature can suit to many applications, such as an anonymous voting on a BBS. We formalize the security definitions for this primitive and show an efficient and simple construction in the random oracle model.
2019年に PKC Test of Time Award が始まった年も同賞を受賞しており今回で2回目の受賞です。非常に名誉なことですが今回は完全に予想外で驚いています。以前、暗号通貨の一つにアイデアが組み込まれたことや、ISOで標準化技術として採用が決定されたことが理由かもしれません。論文のアイデア自体は、独自性があり自分では気に入っています。
