

トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域のJAVED講師が国際会議ESSHBM-22においてConference Best Paper Awardを受賞

 トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域のJAVED, Amna講師が国際会議The 42nd ISTANBUL International Conference on "Education, Social Sciences, Humanities and Business Management"(ESSHBM-22)においてConference Best Paper Awardを受賞しました。

 ESSHBM-22は、令和4年8月18日から19日にかけて、トルコのイスタンブールにて開催されました。この国際会議は、Universal Researchers(UAE)とInternational Association of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management Researchers(国際人文社会科学・経営研究者協会)の共同開催です。
 Conference Best Paper Awardは、ポスター発表に対し、授与されました。


Creating Value in Society through Competitive Localization: Evidence from a Ride-hailing Service Platform

Amna Javed, Ahson Javaid and Youji Kohda

Ride-hailing service (RHS) has received considerable attention and has become an increasingly popular means of transportation. The initiative was taken by the developed countries, as RHS adoption is context-dependent; it is difficult to transfer the concept with the same power from a developed to a developing country, reshaping is necessary. Moreover, re-shaping can be reached only by developing products and services that meet the needs of a particular culture and social trends of a specific country. This study has selected the case of "Careem" in Pakistan; it has played a crucial role in constructing a new pathway toward sustainable transportation. In this study, we propose the core process of competitive localization that brings a revolutionary change in Careem to make it a social ride-hailing service. This is a case study research and data gathered through interviews. Careem has realized the importance of systematic learning, and to bring the localization to its equilibrium state, it has presented the packaged services as tailored services (personalized service as per societal needs) and exclusive services (scattered resources collected together to develop a service that is limited to the certain platform). Careem has expanded its service through resource assimilation that helps to advance a business-society affiliation and public welfare by building "trust" and "relief" that extends value-creation possibilities in the society.

I am earnestly grateful for the recognition that I have received for my work. This is truly a glorious moment for my organization and me. There are no words to express how deeply I am grateful for this award. It gives me self-confidence and the motivation to work harder.

