

学生のWANGさんが国際会議M-CAIT 2021においてBest Paper Awardを受賞

 学生のWANG, Xinyueさん(博士前期課程2年、ゲーム・エンタテインメント領域、飯田研究室)が国際会議The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology(M-CAIT 2021)においてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。

 今年のM-CAIT 2021は、第4次産業革命における人工知能をテーマに開催され、人工知能、セマンティックテクノロジー、ICTソリューション、コンピュータビジョン、機械学習など、幅広いトピックが取り上げられました。
 今回、M-CAIT 2021は令和3年8月4日から5日にかけてバーチャル開催されました。


Entertainment analysis of animation

Xinyue Wang, Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid and Hiroyuki Iida

Game refinement (GR) theory has been applied to many different games, and the entertainment impact in games has been quantified. The purpose of entertainment is to make people feel happy and satisfied, but not superficially flatter the audience's emotional needs. On the other hand, animation, as a form of artistic expression that combines many artistic disciplines such as painting, film, digital media, photography, music, and literature, was initially treated as an art form to entertain children and, more recently, even adults. And excellent animation is not only artistic but also entertaining. This paper analyzed the entertainment impact of 14 popular animations through game refinement theory and reinforcement schedules. The study found that different plot "placement" through the episodic development of the animations played a huge role in their entertainment, supported entirely based on viewer's data on the Bilibili website. Therefore, a combination of good animation, aesthetics, and art is equally important in producing attractive entertainment media.

First of all, I am honored to receive the Best Paper Award at the M-CAIT. Thank you for your recognition, which gave me great confidence. Secondly, I would like to thank my teachers Hiroyuki Iida and Mohd Nor Akmal Khalid. Anime as a form of entertainment is rarely studied in the academic field, but the teachers still saw the value in it and gave a lot of help. Also there is the help from the seniors in the research lab. They gave me the motivation to continue my research when I encountered difficulties. I will continue to study hard.

