学生のMAさんがKICSS 2020においてKunifuji Awardを受賞
学生のMA, Yuanさん(博士後期課程1年、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域、藤波研究室)が15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems(KICSS 2020)においてKunifuji Awardを受賞しました。
The 15th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems aims(KICSS 2020)は、知識科学、情報システム、システム科学、創造活動支援システムに関する分野における国際的な研究者間における技術と知識の交流を図ることを目的とした国際会議です。 同会議は、ナレッジエンジニアリングと科学、情報技術、創造活動支援システム、複雑なシステムモデリングの分野における幅広い研究トピックを提供するもので、学術界、政府の研究機関、産業界の多くの研究者らの関心を集めています。
今回、KICSS 2020は、11月25日から26日にかけて、オンラインで開催されました。
Comparive Study of Self-reporting Methods for Assessing Mind-wandering State
Yuan Ma, Xiaoying Zhang, Tsutomu Fujinami
Mind-wandering can be considered as a daydream-like state induced while working on cognitive tasks. Currently, mind wandering is investigated by abruptly presenting questions to participants for asking them to report their mental states.
However, a related work indicates that the popped-up questions may leave a negative impact on the cognitive performance of participants. It may also suppress the mind-wandering occurrences.
We assume that there may be two factors that cause such negative influences on participants. The first is unpredictability of popping up questions. The second is the frequency in which such a question is shown.
In this study, we discuss the former factor by employing a within-subjects experiment, namely, inviting participants to see those questions either unpredictably or with their own intents.
We analyzed both subjective reports and objective performances by participants to find that unpredictable questions hardly leave an impact on them while they are in the state of mind wandering.
I am thankful so much for having this opportunity to receive Kunifuji Award. It is really a great honor for us that our work can be considered by KICSS 2020 conference for this award.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supervisor, Fujinami sensei, for continually supporting me in working on this direction. Also, we appreciate the JAIST Research Grants (Houga) very much for financially funding our project. Then, I appreciate my college and laboratory mate, Ms.Xiaoying Zhang, for her kind help. Finally, I would like to thank all the participants there and share the pleasure and honor of receiving this award with them, for I have learned so many wonderful presentations in this wonderful event.
Our work is about to find out the most effective way to study the mind-wandering phenomena, which is a specific cognitive state associated with creativity. We hope that our work will finally benefit the studies in the areas that closely related to creation.
Thank you.