学生の真保 亜紀さん(博士後期課程1年、知識マネジメント領域、神田研究室)が一般社団法人日本開発工学会(JDES)の第3回研究発表大会において優良賞を受賞しました。
Developing a "Unique Venue" to Attract Meetings, Events and Congresses:
A Case Analysis of Destination Management Organization (DMO) Tokyo-Roppongi
Aki Shimbo, Youji Kohda,
In this study, we emphasize the relative importance of management in developing new resources worth visiting called Unique Venue (UniqV), by drawing on findings from a case study of a Destination Management / Marketing Organization (DMO) based on an interview to the executive director of DMO Tokyo-Roppongi. The study shows that successful venue-development is contingent upon the quantity and quality of future educational opportunities, the guarantee of access beyond the boundaries of the organization, and the sharing of service storytelling, through exchanging resources under the DMO management. The study also finds that specific management of DMO in venue development influences human behaviors, goals, or motivations in the resource co-creation process. The study concludes that the ability of these organization to co-create value is contingent on the level of area connectivity between human entities which engage themselves in service, more so than DMO that manage the process.