学生のLUONGさんがICETC2020においてBest Presentation Awardを受賞
学生のLUONG, Thao Thanhさん(博士後期課程2年、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域、キム研究室)が12th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers(ICETC2020)においてBest Presentation Awardを受賞しました。
Teachers' Training Course Using Synchronous Conferencing Tools for Hospitality and Tourism Education in Vietnam : A Constructivist Approach
Thanh-Thao Luong and Eunyoung Kim
Despite its significant damage to the hospitality and tourism industry, the pandemic of COVID-19 indeed has reinforced the needs for not only the hospitality and tourism education, but also the whole educational system of Vietnam, to make use of technological innovations in education, among which synchronous conferencing tools are currently utilized for changing their mode from physical classroom to online learning. This study adopts the constructivist approaches to propose a training course designed to enhance the skills needed for teaching with synchronous conferencing technology for teachers in Vietnam's hospitality and tourism institutions. We based on the current literature to identify the necessary skills to implement classes via synchronous conferencing environments. We also selected and designed learning activities to translate constructivist teaching theory into online pedagogies. Although it needs to be evaluated in further studies, this course design is expected to contribute to the growing literature on methods to improve instructors' readiness to teach in virtual classrooms.
I sincerely thank JAIST for sponsoring my project and my studies, and the ICETC 2020 for awarding my research work. I especially wish to thank my supervisor, Associate Professor Kim, whose dedicated guidance and support have been instrumental in enabling me to complete and present the paper successfully. This certificate is an inspiration for me to continue striving and thriving in researching how educational innovations can contribute to human happiness and fulfillment.