研究員のPhamさんが情報処理学会のJournal of Information Processing(JIP)Vol.28においてSpecially Selected Paperを受賞
研究員のPHAM,Van Cuさん(セキュリティ・ネットワーク領域 、丹研究室)が一般社団法人情報処理学会(Information Processing Society of Japan(IPSJ))のJournal of Information Processing(JIP)Vol.28においてSpecially Selected Paperを受賞しました。
Specially Selected Paperは、JIP各号における上位10%の論文に授与されるもので、Specially Selected Paperに選出された論文は、IPSJ最優秀論文賞の受賞候補としても推薦されます。
Specially Selected Paper
IoT Area Network Simulator For Network Dataset Generation
Van Cu Pham, Yoshiki Makino, Khoa Pho, Yuto Lim, Yasuo Tan
With the development of information and communication technology (ICT), smart home technologies are expecting to be a potential solution for the population aging problem. Smart home simulators and testbeds have been introduced to provide materials for researchers in the field of ambient assisted living to develop and evaluate their solutions. Since simulators reduce costs in terms of money and time, researchers are utilizing simulators to expand services to enhance user comfort, save energy, and detect abnormal behaviors in daily living activities, etc. However, available smart home simulators seem to focus on the operational aspects of simulated devices and environments. The network communication aspects have not been fulfilled so far. Following the development of the Internet of Things, smart home networks are more complex, and users in the smart home are ordinary people without knowledge about network management. Therefore, intelligent operation, administration, and maintenance (OAM) services for smart homes are desired. This paper proposes a smart home network simulator to generate a network dataset of a home network, which is essential to develop machine learning technologies for providing intelligent OAM services in smart homes. The simulator is implemented based on ECHONET Lite, a leading smart home protocol in Japan.
It is a great honor for us to receive this award from Journal of Information Processing. I would like to gratitute to Professor Yasuo Tan for his constant guidance and great encouragements. I am also greatfull for all members of Tan-Lim and Yoshitaka laboratory for their valuable comments and discussions. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife for her encouragements and supports. This award is motivating and inspiring us to do better in the future.
