研究員のSINGH, Apekshaさん(物質化学領域・松見研究室)が第69回高分子討論会において優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。(ポスター発表時は本学博士前期課程2年、令和2年9月博士前期課程修了。)
(Design of Non-flammable Electrolyte for All-solid-state Sodium-ion Batteries and Its High-rate Performance)
Apeksha Singh,Rajashekar Badam,Noriyoshi Matsumi
Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Noriyoshi Matsumi, who has given me valuable suggestions, and heartfelt encouragement throughout my research project. I would like to acknowledge the important role of Dr. Rajashekar Badam, who apart from his constant motivation, has provided me with the working knowledge and practical experience of electrochemical energy storage systems. I'm thankful to MEXT and Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts & Batteries (ESICB) for financial support. About my research, I believe, to attain a balance between sustainable energy generation and energy consumption, efficient fast-charging batteries are imperative. We now live in a world where energy storage has become equally important due to the intermittent nature of sustainable energy sources, and thou shall continue to work on this meaningful research.