学生のLIUさんがKICSS2019においてBest Student Paper Awardを受賞
学生のLIU,Xiaoxiaoさん(博士後期課程1年、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域、永井研究室)が14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems(KICSS2019)においてBest Student Paper Awardを受賞しました。
International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS)は、知識科学、情報システム、システム科学、創造活動支援技術に関する分野における国際的な研究者間における技術と知識の交流を図ることを目的とした国際会議です。ナレッジエンジニアリングと科学、情報技術、創造性サポートシステム、複雑なシステムモデリングの分野における幅広い研究トピックで研究発表が行われ、特に優秀な学生論文にBest Student Paper Awardが与えられます。
Design of Affective Experiences Using Interactive Media in the Context of Urban Traffic
Xiaoxiao Liu, Eunyoung Kim, Yukari Nagai
Efficient and fast urban traffic brings great convenience to people's lives, but it also creates pressure. The gathering of numerous vehicles in the city is not a good emotional experience for pedestrians. The simplicity of urban traffic symbols makes them very convenient to use, but they have no charm. The purpose of this paper is to explore how to enhance the emotional experience of urban crossings through the technology of human-computer interaction. We reviewed numerous studies of users, and summarized the theory and model of the emotional design of interactive media in public space. The project was designed and tested to uncover problems, and to increase the positive effects of urban traffic through field investigations. We designed the zebra crossing project for this study, and used interactive media that induces various pedestrian behaviors. The design of interactive media in public spaces is summarized.
It is my honored to receive this "Best Student Paper Award", I would like to give thanks to my supervisor Professor Yukari Nagai and Professor Eunyoung Kim, who always give me academic guidance and encouragement. Special thanks to Professor Susumu Kunifuji. Thanks to JAIST for providing me with excellent research support, and thanks to the organizer Hoa Sen University, who gave me a good opportunity to present my research and received many useful comments from specialists. I also would like to express many thanks to all members in NAGAI laboratory for always taking care of me, I will continue to do my best.
