日本学術振興会特別研究員のJOSHIさんが国際会議 Okinawa Colloids 2019においてBest Poster Awardを受賞
日本学術振興会特別研究員のJOSHI Gargiさん(受入研究者:本学環境・エネルギー領域、金子達雄教授)が国際会議 Okinawa Colloids2019においてBest Poster Awardを受賞しました。
Okinawa Colloids 2019は、「コロイドの持続可能性」をテーマに、11月3日~8日にかけて、沖縄県名護市で開催されました。
Self-assembly and Deposition Control of LC Polysaccharide at Evaporative Interface
Gargi Joshi, Kosuke Okeyoshi, Tetsu Mitsumata,Tatsuo Kaneko
Self-assembly of polymeric liquid crystals (LC) has emerged as a powerful technique to recreate the complex hierarchy found in nature. By tuning the conditions of drying, it is possible to gain control over their mobility in solution and in turn on the orientation during deposition. Recently, our group reported a macrospace-partitioning phenomenon upon drying a polysaccharide aqueous LC solution from a limited evaporative interface. Vertical membranes were deposited, bridging a millimeter-scale gap between the substrates and formed highly oriented structure as a result of a non-equilibrium process between polymer deposition and hydration. Here, in order to generalize this space-partitioning phenomenon and explore structural changes due to temperature variations, we have explored the drying of xanthan gum solution. The xanthan LC state was affected by changes in temperature and demonstrated interface-assisted orientation. By varying the conditions of temperature and initial concentration, the depositions induced in the limited space have been monitored and a comparative phase diagram prepared. Moreover, crosslinking points were introduced in the deposited films by annealing and anisotropically swelling hydrogels were obtained. We envision that this work of drying-induced condensation will provide a simplified methodology to design self-assembled materials with highly ordered structures.
Okinawa colloids witnessed a convergence of big names in this field from all over the globe and famous research institutions. It gave young researchers like me, a direct chance to interact with someone we look up to. I'm very grateful to the organizers and judges for selecting my poster as one of the best along with 24 others out of approx. 500 posters.
I'm very grateful to Prof. Tatsuo Kaneko and Sr. Lectr. Kosuke Okeyoshi for always encouraging me to explore my potential and do my best.