学生のNGUYENさんがALC '19においてStudent Awardを受賞
学生のNGUYEN, Thi Trinhさん(博士後期課程2年、応用物理学領域・水谷研究室)が12th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '19(ALC '19)においてStudent Awardを受賞しました。
The ALC symposiumは、無機有機材料などの新しい材料やデバイスについて、原子レベルの特性評価の実用化を目指し開催される国際会議です。表面・界面分析のさまざまな分析手法のための新しいアプリケーションや装置開発の成果報告を募っており、さまざまなプローブ法を専門とした研究者間の議論の活性化の促進を目標としています。このシンポジウムはまた、理論とシュミレーションに基づくアプローチを含めた材料の原子レベルの特性評価をさらに発展させる上で解決すべき基本的な問題に関する議論も奨励しています。
Student Awardは、学生の研究発表を奨励するため、設けられています。今回のALC '19は10月20日~25日にかけ、京都府京都市で開催されました。
Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy of steroidal structure side chains of Polyimide surface
NGUYEN, Thi Trinh
Alignment films are an essential component of a liquid crystal display (LCD) and directly affect the performance of LCD panels. Polyimide (PI) is one of the most appropriate material for the alignment film because of its high chemical and thermal stability, high optical transmission and high electrical resistance. In this study, a rubbed novel PI film containing steroidal structure side chains prepared by spin coating on an indium tin oxide (ITO) - coated glass substrate was investigated. In order to determine how steroidal structure side chains of PI are oriented at the air-polymer interface and how they are affected by mechanical rubbing, Sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectra of this PI were measured. The difference between the SFG spectra with different input/output polarization combinations and azimuthal angles ψ indicated that methylene groups have no net polar orientation in this PI and methyl groups are aligned by rubbing.
Firstly, I would like to thank to ALC'19 organizers who gave me a good opportunity to take part in the interesting international symposium where I could present my research and took many useful comments from specialists and attended stimulating lectures. ALC symposium is a prestigious conference, thus it was a great honor when I received the Student Award of this symposium. Secondly, I would like to give special thanks go to my supervisor Professor Goro Mizutani, who always gave me the strong supports and encourages to overcome difficulties in research and personal life. Finally, I also would like to express many thanks to all members in our laboratory who helped me adjust my life in Japan.