学生のSUNさんが第41回日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションにおいてBest presentation award を受賞
学生のSUN, Xiaoleiさん(博士後期課程2年・ヒューマンライフデザイン領域・キム研究室)が、第41回日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションにおいて、Best presentation award を受賞しました。
日本創造学会研究大会国際セッションは、国際会議スタイルのセッションで、複数の査読者による査読があり、英語での発表を原則とします。Best presentation awardは、この査読結果、プレゼンテーション結果および質疑応答の結果に基づき授与されます。
A Proposal of Creativity Teaching in Product Design Education
Sun Xiaolei、Kim Eunyoung、Takaya Yuizono、Wang Li
To meet the increasing needs for creativity, educators are required to train students to become creative individuals and to encourage them to think creatively in their future career, life, and society. In order to cultivate students' creativity, we need creative and novel teaching methods. Based on the existing research of creativity, our paper combines the creative attributes of product design to make suggestions for creative teaching methods, which involves analogical thinking, learner-centered approach and sensuous association. Our aim is to provide educators with a better way to teach creativity and suggest new strategies for completing creative teaching to enhance student generate more appropriateness of ideas.
I am very honored to receive this award, thanks to Japan Creativity Society, thanks to JAIST, thanks to Kunifuji sensei, Nagai sensei, Kim sensei and all the professors and staff who have contributed to this conference. I have learned a lot from various presentations and I will continue to work hard to improve my academic level and research.