学生のMAWALIMさんが11th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media(SCSM 2019)において、Best Paper Awardを受賞
学生のMAWALIM, Candy Oliviaさん(博士前期課程2年、ヒューマンライフデザイン領域・鵜木研究室)が、21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(HCI International 2019)内で開催された11th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media(SCSM 2019)においてBest paper awardを受賞しました。
SCSM 2019は、Social Computing、Social Mediaに関連した科学的な情報の交換と普及を目的とした国際会議で、HCI International 2019(2019年7月26日~30日にかけてアメリカのオーランドで開催)の傘下で開催されました。
なお、本成果は岡田 将吾准教授(知能ロボティクス領域)が指導した副テーマ研究による研究成果です。
Multimodal BigFive Personality Trait Analysis using Communication Skill Indices and Multiple Discussion Types Dataset
Candy Olivia Mawalim, Shogo Okada, Yukiko I. Nakano and Masashi Unoki
This paper focuses on multimodal analysis in multiple discussion types dataset for estimating BigFive personality traits. The study was conducted to achieve two goals: First, clarifying the effectiveness of multimodal features and communication skill indices to predict the BigFive personality traits. Second, identifying the relationship among multimodal features, discussion type, and the BigFive personality traits. The experimental results showed that communication skill indices are essential in estimating the agreeableness trait. In addition, the scope and freedom of conversation affected the performance of personality traits estimator. The freer a discussion is, the better personality traits estimator can be obtained.
It was a great honor to receive this best paper award in HCI International 2019. Foremost, I would like to appreciate the great effort, guidance, and support from Prof. Shogo Okada for letting me conduct my minor research under his supervision. My sincere gratitude also goes to Prof. Yukiko Nakano and Prof. Masashi Unoki for their supports and insightful comments. Although it was quite different from my field of study, I enjoyed every moment in doing my minor research as I could have a broader knowledge. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family for always encouraging and praying for me. I hope this award can motivate me to do better in the future.
