JAIST Kanazawa University JAIST Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology
Kanazawa University Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

Division of
Transdisciplinary Sciences



Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

What is the collaborative educational courses?

The collaborative educational courses are a program that more than one universities construct and implement a curriculum together. The Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences apply the same curriculum to both schools of Kanazawa University and JAIST.

How is it decided which university students of the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences are enrolled in?

Where they enrolled in is decided depending on where they make the admission process. Students who have passed the entrance exam conducted by JAIST and have completed the admission process are enrolled as a JAIST student. Students enrolled in JAIST have access to facilities such as library and research facility owned by KANAZAWA University. However confirmation is required as some facilities and services may limit the usage.

How many number of students are admitted?

In the master's program, 10 students are admitted to JAIST and 14 to Kanazawa University.
In the Doctoral program, 5 students are admitted to JAIST and 14 to Kanazawa University. 

What master’s or doctor degree are the students conferred?

The degrees conferred are “Master of Philosophy” in Master’s program and “Doctor of Philosophy”, “Doctor of Philosophy in Science” or “Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering” in Doctoral Program. These are jointly issued by JAIST and KANAZAWA University.


Can I take the exam both in JAIST and in KANAZAWA University?

You can take both exams.
However, you can be enrolled in only one university.Please confirm with Admission Section, Educational Affairs Department about further information.

Can non-Japanese take the exam?

Yes, they can take the exam, too.
However sufficient Japanese skills are required because some classes are to be given only in Japanese.
Please confirm with Admission Section, Educational Affairs Department about further information.

Do KANAZAWA University and JAIST give the same contents and schedule regarding the exam?

No, they don’t. Please confirm with Admission Section about further information.


Can I change the enrolled university after enrollment?

No, changing the university after enrolled is not accepted.

Do I have to go to both KANAZAWA University and JAIST campus to complete the course?

The enrolled students of JAIST would mostly take the classes held in JAIST. In some cases, you will have to attend KANAZAWA university classes to complete the course. However, we will change the class venue, use a remote distribution system and conduct the intensive courses so that students can save their time and labor.

Can I receive a research guidance from faculty of my non-enrolled university?

Yes, you can. In the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, students can select one supervisor from your enrolled university and a second supervisor from the other university and these two supervisors give you research guidance.
Other than these supervisors, you can receive the guidance from faculty of both universities if necessary.