Teruo Okano
The 1st International Symposium on Exponential Biomedical DX 2024 (eMEDX-24) will be held from Dec.19th to 20th 2024, Ishikawa, Japan. eMEDX-24 will gather scientists and researchers from academia and industry from all over the world who are at the forefront of research on biomedical science and technology. Discussions will include a wide range of topics on biomedical science and technology, with an emphasis on contributing to the realization of well-being. All members of the organization are eagerly anticipating your participation.
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Director of Research Center for Exponential Biomedical DX,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Center for Exponential Biomedical DX,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Center for Exponential Biomedical DX,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Center for Exponential Biomedical DX,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2-1 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1211, Japan.
Teruo Okano
Kazunari Akiyoshi
Ki Dong Park
Kwang-Ryeol Lee
Tokyo Women's Medical University
Kobe University
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
National Institute for Materials Science
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Chungnam National University
Kansai University
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
Thammasat University
Yamagata University
Institute of Science Tokyo
Hiroshima University
National University of Singapore
Kanazawa University
Tokyo Women's Medical University
Hiroshima University
Korea National University of Transportation
Fukui University
Kanazawa University
Toyama University
Kyushu University
Fukui University
Shimane University
Osaka Institute of Technology
Osaka University
Kyushu University
Osaka Metropolitan University
Osaka Metropolitan University
Kumamoto University
Kyoto University
Institute of Science Tokyo
Toyama Prefectural University
Kumamoto University
Kanazawa University
The time allocated for plenary, keynote, and invited presentations will be 45, 30, and 20 minutes, respectively, including time for discussion. Presenters are required to bring their own laptops. The connection to the projector is via HDMI, so please ensure you have any necessary adapters for converting between HDMI and other connection ports. We kindly ask that speakers prepare their presentations during the preceding lecture, as the allocated time does not include transition periods.
Participants giving poster presentations should be present during the assigned times to discuss their findings. Materials for attaching posters to the boards (pins or adhesive tapes) will be provided at the conference site. The size of the poster board is 900 mm (width) x 1800 mm (height). We recommend using A0 paper (841 mm width x 1189 mm height) for poster presentations. Posters can be set up from 8:00 a.m. on the 20th in Room D. The poster presentations will be held from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the 20th. The obligation time is divided into the first half (12:30-1:00) for the posters of odd numbers and the second half (1:00-1:30) for the even numbers. Please remove your poster promptly after the poster session, which ends at 1:30 p.m.
An abstract must be submitted for both oral and poster presentations. Please use the template provided in the link below and submit the abstract in PDF format following the instructions in the template. Both oral and poster presentations should be limited to one page.
The Secretariat will not be held responsible for errors in submission, so please ensure that all documents are in order before submitting.
Submitted abstracts will not be returned.
The abstracts for eMEDX-24 will be published on Thursday, December 19, 2024.
Category | |
Regular (Company) | JPY 50,000 |
Academic | JPY 30,000 |
Student | Free |
Ru-8 Onuka, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8565, Japan.
The online hotel reservation site for eMEDX-24 participants is now available. Hotel assignment will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. We can arrange for KANAZAWA KOKUSAI HOTEL and KANAZAWA TOKYU HOTEL. Please note that single-bedrooms and twin-bedrooms are available on this online registration system. To request a room with other specifications, please feel free to contact the secretariat of eMEDX-24.
Research Center for Exponential Biomedical DX,
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
2-3 Asahidai, Nomi, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan.
E-mail: emedx24[at]ml.jaist.ac.jp