- 2014.04.04Mr. Takaki Nozawa and Mr. Seira Yamaguchi have joind our group as M1 students.
- 2014.03.24Mr. Shogo Tsuzaki and Mr. Yoo Sakuma have completed their master course. Mr. Sakuma was commended as a high-achieving student.
- 2014.02.13Mr. Shogo Tsuzaki and Mr. Yoo Sakuma have finished their master thesis presentation.
- 2013.12.06Our group has moved to the 7th floor of the Materials Science Bldg. I.
- 2013.07.27We ran a booth at PVJapan 2013 from July 24 to 26.
- 2013.06.30Dr. Lin Yang has left our group at the end of June.
- 2013.06.19Mr. Takafumi Oikawa and Mr. Taiki Watanabe have joined our group as M1 students.
- 2013.05.24Ms. Trinh Cham Thi won Innovative Photovolatic Young Researcher’s Award at the 10th Symposium of the 175th Committee on Innovative Photovoltaic Power Generating Systems, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- 2013.04.22Mr. Taichi Tsujino has joined the group as a research assistant.
- 2013.04.01Our group has participated in the JST CREST research project “High Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Fabricated by Cat-CVD Technology” (Research Director: Hideki Matsumura).