
[Presentation] Peng, Hasan, Athchaya, and Nagao at The 89th ECSJ Spring Meeting

[Accepted] Mater. Today Proc.

[Accepted] Talanta

[Presentation] Peng and Athchaya at 21th Chubu Branch Conference of Japan Surface Vacuum Society

[Presentation] Peng and Nagao at Material Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021)

[Accepted] Int. J. Hydrog. Energy

[特許] 固体高分子形燃料電池用セパレータ及びその製造方法

[Presentation] Dr. Athchaya at 70th Polymer Society Hokuriku Branch Research Presentation

[Presentation] Dr. Athchaya and Hasan at 2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation

[Presentation] Hasan, Fangfang, and Yao at Student Symposium 2021 of JAIST International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Excellent Core)

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