
[Accepted] ChemistrySelect

[Presentation] 13th SPSJ International Polymer Conference (IPC2023)

[Presentation] 13th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM2023)

[Requested] Presentation at Masuhara lab, Yamagata Univ. Thank you very much.

[Invited] STEPI12 (symposium on polyimides & high performance polymers)

[Presentation] 第72回高分子学会年次大会で発表、他共同研究2件発表

[Accepted] Adv. Mater. Interfaces

[Presentation] Dr. Aoki, Ikuta, Inukai, Maehara, and Nagao @CSJ (annual meeting of Chemistry)

[Presentation] Dr. Athchaya and Dr. Aoki at JSAP

[Accepted] Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.

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