Biological & Soft Matter Physics Group
We use a soft matter physics approach to cell-mimicking systems so that we can understand the physical principles of biological systems. Living cells are a form of self-assembled soft matter. Lipid bilayer membranes are essential components of living organisms. We i) construct artificial lipid vesicles which produce cellular dynamics, such as endocytosis and autophagy, ii) elucidate the association of biological and nonbiological nano-materials on membrane surfaces, and iii) conduct quantitative analyses based on condensed soft matter physics.
Hamada, Tsutomu (Associate Professor)
Selected publications
Nonequilibrium membrane dynamics
"Domain dynamics of phase-separated lipid membranes under shear flow"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Soft Matter, 18, 9069-9075 (2022).
Open Access
"Rhythmic pore dynamics in a shrinking lipid vesicle"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Phys. Rev. E, 80, 051921 (2009).
Phase separation induced by membrane tension
"Osmotic-Tension-Induced Membrane Lateral Organization"
N. Wongsirojkul, et al.,
Langmuir, 36, 2937-2945 (2020).
"Lateral phase separation in tense membranes"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Soft Matter, 7, 9061-9068 (2011).
Photo control of membrane dynamics
"Photo-induced fusion of lipid bilayer membranes"
Y. Suzuki, et al.,
Langmuir, 33, 2671-2676 (2017).
"Photochemical control of membrane raft organization"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Soft Matter, 7, 220-224 (2011).
"Membrane disc and sphere: controllable mesoscopic structures for the capture and release of a targeted object"
T. Hamada, et al.,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132, 10528-10532 (2010).
"Reversible Control of Exo- and Endo-Budding Transitions in a Photosensitive Lipid Membrane"
K. Ishii, et al.,
ChemBioChem, 10, 251-256 (2009).
"Reversible photoswitching in a cell-sized vesicle"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Langmuir, 21, 7626-7628 (2005).
Membrane interaction with biological or nonbiological matter
"Molecular behavior of DNA in a cell-sized compartment coated by lipids"
T. Hamada, et al.,
Phys. Rev. E., 91, 062717 (2015).
"Size-dependent partitioning of nano/micro-particles mediated by membrane lateral heterogeneity"
T. Hamada, et al.,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 13990-13996 (2012).