No.21 Mar. 2001 : Japanese / English

" Jaist Library News " is published on an irregular basis and provide you with information about Library services and materials.

Findings from JAIST Library services questionnaire survey

We report on the findings of JAIST Library services questionnaire survey carried out last October for the development of JAIST Library. For more information, please click the following URL.
We appreciate your comments.

*Page for findings :

Dear Students who will complete the JAIST next month
(Except the students who are now in the master's programs and apply for doctoral programs in JAIST)

If you will complete the JAIST next month and you have been borrowing the books from library now, please return all of them before you leave the JAIST.

It is possible to check whether you are borrowing the books or not by "User Loan Status Inquiry " .And you can use it on the terminal for it on the 1st floor in the library or on your terminal through the library's web site page []).
Please check your status of the books and do not forget to return the books.
(If you forget to return the books, your data will not be erased.)

If you have the KIT-LC card(the card of Kanazawa Institute of Technology Library Center), please return it to the information desk in JAIST library.(We will gather the cards of all students and return them to KIT-LC.)

Thank you for your cooperation.

Halt of NACSIS-ILL service

Network services in JAIST will be stopped from March 27 to March 28. Therefore you can't order of photocopying and book borrowing from other universities for this period.

If you want to get some articles or books through ILL service by the end of this month, you are requested to order by 12:00 p.m. March 23.

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any question, please ask the library staff. iE-mail:toshokan, EXT:1191j

Relocation of the materials

We relocated the part of books on the second and third floor as follows. Thank you for your cooperation.

ƒƒ New location map „„
Second floor :

Third floor :

If you have any question, please ask the library staff. (E-mail:toshokan, EXT:1191)

The on-line journal site in the Library home page has been updated

SD-21 has been available by direct access with single click on the title of them.


Number of Titles: about 1100

If you have any question, please ask the library staff. iE-mail:k-hirose, EXT:1194j


Please observe the following library rules.Thank you for your cooperation.
  1. Don't leave your valuables unattended.
  2. Don't occupy carrels or the seat of the reading room for many hours.
  3. After you've finished with books or journals, put them back in the correct place. In particularly return non-circulation materials immediately.
    If you can't find the designated shelf, place the books or journals in the "Return Rack".
  4. Be quiet.
  5. No eating, drinking or smoking.

Library, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku