Prof. Javad KOOHSARI

Prof. Koohsari leads the Urban Design Science for Health Laboratory. He is a faculty member at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. He also is an Adjunct Researcher with the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Waseda University, Japan, and an Honorary Associate Fellow with the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University, Australia.

He obtained his PhD in Urban Design from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and another PhD in Health and Sport Sciences from Waseda University, Japan. His research focuses on how urban design science can contribute to population health, especially in the context of super-aged societies.

Prof. Koohsari has a publication record with over 125 refereed journal articles (such as in Nature Reviews Cardiology). In 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, he was recognised in the top 2% of most influential researchers worldwide across all scientific disciplines (Stanford University & Elsevier).

Additionally, he is also included in the ‘Top Scientists’ list in the field of ‘Social Science & Humanities’ for the years 2022 and 2024 ( He is an editorial board member of several international journals, such as Landscape & Urban PlanningClinical eHealth, Heart & Mind, and Journal of Architectural & Planning Research

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