学生の小國美貴さん(博士後期課程1年、知識マネジメント領域・神田研究室)が、Biyani's International Conference 2017 (BICON-2017) においてBEST ORAL PRESENTATIONを受賞しました。
Biyani's International Conference 2017が、2017年10月11日から13日に渡って、インドのジャイプル市のBiyani Girls Collegeで開催されました。Biyani's International Conferenceは、Biyani Groupが主催し、本学を含む日本の高等教育機関が共催する国際会議で、今回が12回目に当たります。小國美貴さんは2日目の"Positive Attitude : A shift towards a sustainable society"部門で発表を行い、BEST ORAL PRESENTATIONを受賞しました。
Mr.Oguni,Knowledege Management Area, received BEST ORAL PRESENTATION in Biyani's International Conference 2017 (BICON-2017).
Mr.Yoshitaka Oguni,the first year doctral student in Kohda lab. of Knowledege Management Area, received BEST ORAL PRESENTATION in Biyani's International Conference 2017 (BICON-2017).
Biyani's International Conference 2017 was held at Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, India, from October 11th to 13th, 2017. Biyani's International Conference was the 12th annual conference organized and sponsored by Biyani Group and in collaboration with Higher education institutions in Japan, including JAIST. He presented his research on the second day on "Positive Attitude : A shift towards a sustainable society" and was awarded BEST ORAL PRESENTATION.