
Last modified: September. 17th, 2016


This is a simple calculation program for (multi-agent) modal logic.


Supported platform

Java 8 on Windows7, MacOS (Yosemite) and Linux (Debian 8 Jessie, Raspbian).


Latest version (0.6.4)

Old versions

3 steps to install and run:

1. Unzip downloaded archive

2. Install Java and Graphviz

Please install the latest version of Java 8.

If you wish to obtain a graphical output, please install Graphviz.To install Graphviz, we have tested following archives or commands:

3. Run batch file or execute the following command

Execute run.bat (for Windows), (for MacOS and Linux, please do "chmod 755" before execution.) or the following command at [INSTALLED DIR]:

For Windows:

java -classpath dist/linsem-gui.jar;lib/ujmp-complete-0.2.5.jar;lib/linsem.jar; linsem.gui.GUIMain

For MacOS and Linux:

java -cp dist/linsem-gui.jar:lib/ujmp-complete-0.2.5.jar:lib/linsem.jar: linsem.gui.GUIMain

If you wish to try a developing version of Visual Editor, please add the following jars to your classpath (optional, for windows):



Please push HELP button on the software or see here.

Published paper

Underlying concepts of our software come from the following papers.


Apache License 2.0.


Many thanks for my supervisor, Prof.Tojo, assistant Prof.Katsuhiko Sano and all reviewers of our paper. Thanks also for developers of Universal Java Matrix Package, JavaCC, Graphviz and Processing3. We thank anonymous referees of ICAART2015 and TTL2015 for their helpful comments.

—since Nov 14, 2014.