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Author Guide

Instructions for Submissions


Authors should follow the LNCS format and submit their manuscripts in PDF. Papers that do not adhere to the format will be desk-rejected.


Papers can be submitted to either the main conference or the industry track.


Submissions can be full papers (up to 15 pages including references and appendices), short papers (up to 11 pages including references and appendices) or papers for a demo (6 pages including references). The program committee may decide to accept some full papers as short papers or demo papers. Concurrent submissions are NOT allowed: a paper to be presented at NLDB must be withdrawn from other conferences and workshops.


Papers presented at NLDB 2025 must represent new work that has not been previously published. It is the responsibility of the authors to inform the chairs of any potential problem with respect to this requirement, as noted in the following guidelines.

Papers that have appeared at a conference with published proceedings constitute previously published work.

Papers that overlap other papers that have appeared at a conference with published proceedings must contain significant new results. Authors must include on the title page a list of any previous papers that the current paper overlaps or extends, and must identify the significant new results contained in the new submission. The program chairs have the final decision about what constitutes significant new results.


Papers that have appeared at a workshop do not constitute previously published work, as long as the paper submitted to NLDB is an extension of the workshop paper. Extensions might include new results, more in-depth analysis, evaluation that was not part of the workshop paper, or further experiments. Authors must include on the title page a list of any previous workshop papers that the current paper extends, and must identify how the current submission extends the previous workshop papers. The program chairs have the final decision about whether the NLDB submission represents an extension of the workshop papers.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to: nldb2025@easychair.org


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