Researcher Dr. SUWANSOONTORN received Poster Presentation Award for Excellent Research in 2021 CSJ Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation
Researcher Dr. SUWANSOONTORN, Athchaya who belongs to International Research Center for Silent Voice Sensing (Nagao Lab of Materials Chemistry Area) received Poster Presentation Award for Excellent Research in 2021 CSJ Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation.
2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation was held online on November 12, 2021.
■Date Awarded
November 16, 2021
The influence of functionalized carboxylic acid on proton transport pathways in styrene-based polymer thin films
〇Athchaya Suwansoontorn, Yuki Nagao, Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Shusaku Nagano, Jun Matsui
The proton-donating funcional groups or acids in proton conductive materials are the critical key for proton transport. Protons can flow via both conductive materials' interfaces and internal. Many researchers reported the proton transport at the biomaterials' interface, which commonly contains carboxylic acid, highlighting carboxylic acid's important role in proton conduction. However, the influence of carboxylic acid concentration and distribution on the proton transport pathways is still unclear. The influence of carboxylic acid concentration on proton transport pathways, internal and interfacial, was investigated in this study. High and low carboxylic acid concentration styrene-based polymers, P4VBA100 and PS4VBA50, respectively, were prepared. The in-plane proton conductivity (σ) and normalized resistance (R') were estimated to explore the proton conduction pathways. The film thickness independent of σ and film thickness dependent of R' were observed in P4VBA100 thin films, referring to the internal proton conduction. On the other hand, the film thickness dependent of σ and film thickness independent of R' was found in PS4VBA50 thin films, indicating the interfacial proton conduction. This study suggests the role of carboxylic acid concentration and/or distribution on the proton transport behavior, which might explain the proton transport in various systems, including biological systems.
I'm incredibly honored with this poster award from the 2021 Hokuriku area lecture and research presentation. First, I would express my appreciation to the organizer of this conference, the Kinki branch of the chemical society of Japan, for providing us the opportunity to share and discuss our researches. Importantly, I would describe my gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Yuki Nagao, Prof. Katsuhiro Yamamoto, Prof. Shusaku Nagano, and Prof. Jun Matsui for their precious support. And I am also grateful to Nagao-LAB members for their kind encouragement. This award is an essential motivation for me to further research and contribute to the materials science community.

December 2, 2021