Mr. MAULANA received Best Research Paper Presentation Award in the 15th EURECA 2021
Mr. MAULANA, Hanhan (3rd-year doctoral student in Kanai Lab of Human Life Design Area) received Best Research Paper Presentation Award in the 15th EURECA 2021 (International Engineering and Computing Research Conference).
The aim of the 15th EURECA 2021 conference is to provide the undergraduate engineering students an opportunity to experience a research environment.
In addition, the conference also serves as a platform for postgraduate engineering students to expand their network with other researchers as well as gaining invaluable feedback with regards to their research project from both academicians and industrial experts.
■Date Awarded
June 30, 2021
Potential Agricultural Land Suitability Visualization Using Augmented reality Geographic Information System (AR-GIS)
Hanhan Maulana & Hideaki Kanai
This study aims to visualize the potential agricultural land suitability using the Augmented Reality Geographical Information System (AR-GIS). AR-GIS can provide an immersive experience to users. Bandung Regency area was chosen as the study area because it has good potential for agriculture. The challenge that motivates the development of augmented reality in the visualization of land suitability is that farmers can use GIS practically to assist in decision making. This study has three main stages. The first and second stages integrated the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with the Geographic Information System (GIS) method. The first stage aims to determine potential commodities using the MCDA method by considering economic, environmental, and plant characteristics factors. The second stage describes the land suitability evaluation process for each commodity using the GIS method. Based on the evaluation results, cabbage, potatoes, and onion are the most suitable plant to be cultivated in the study area. This result is consistent with statistical data that shows that these commodities have the highest productivity. The third stage of this study explains the process of map visualization using augmented reality. AR-GIS is expected to be able to provide a better map visualization display. With good map visualization, information on the GIS can be easy to understand by the user. Furthermore, it is hoped that the AR-GIS will have a high level of usability.
It is a great honor to receive the award at the EURECA 2021 Conference. Even though the conference was being held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was interesting to make presentations and share knowledge with other researchers. I am grateful to be a part of JAIST because JAIST provides an excellent research environment. I am also highly grateful to my supervisor, associate professor Hideaki Kanai, who has guided, support, and provided suggestions and input on my research.

July 16, 2021