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Ms. Fu, Lin, Human Life Design Area, received Best Presentation Award in KICSS 2018.

Ms. Fu, Lin (1st year doctoral student in Nagai Lab. of Human Life Design Area), received Best Presentation Award in KICSS 2018.

The Thirteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS 2018) aims to facilitate technology and knowledge exchange between International researchers/scholars in the field of knowledge science, information systems, and system science and creativity support systems intensively.

■Date Awarded
November 17, 2018

A Study of the Relationship between Color Combinations Preferences of Consumer and their Sports Lifestyle--Based On AIO Lifestyle Scale

FU Lin , NAGAI,Yukari

In this paper, based on Deng [4], Hui and Hutchinson (2010) research, their customers' color combination preference model, further research on reason in what cause customers to have different color combination preferences. To assist company understanding their target market color combination preference. This research use lifestyle as an entry point, through researching on customers' sports lifestyle and their color combination preferences to figure out the relationship between sports lifestyle and preferences. The research result shows that 1) Customers who pursuing fashion more prefer small and moderately distant color combination mainly prefer type B and type C. 2) Customers with low-key lifestyle like color pair with small distances that is type B. 3) The experiment results explanted that sensitive customers more prefer moderately distant color combination and small distances color combinations, which are type C and type B. 4) Customers who like fancy and special new goods are more prefer moderately distant color combination, which is type C. 5) Customers who love arts are more flexible person they like almost like every type of color combination. In conclusion, different lifestyle will cause customers to have different color pair preference. In this case, type B related and types C distinct are most popular in customers.

Firstly, It was my honor to present my research's outcome at the KICSS 13th International Conference in Pattaya, Thailand. The academic paper introduces a relationship between customers lifestyle and their color preferences. Outstandingly, the paper was selected for the Best Presentation Award of the KICSS-2018.
Finally, for this achievement, I would like to thank Professor Nagai for her devoted help during my research. Then, I would also like to express my thanks to JAIST for the Research Grant which significantly supports me in finance to present at the conference. During the time at the conference, I had wonderful chances of meeting and discussing with other researchers and experts about different topics of the field. This is really helpful for my future research.

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November 30, 2018