Student Life


I. Scholarship for International Students

The following scholarships are available for International Students.

1. Scholarships for Which Students Can Apply Before Arriving in Japan

Japanese Government (MEXT:Monbukagakusho) Scholarship

Students are accepted as "research students", and allowed the scholarship as follows:

•Tuition: Exemption of examination, entrance and tuition fees
(If the grantee moves on to higher education as a nonregular student or fails the entrance examinations, he/she will pay for entrance examinations.)
•Transportation: A round trip air ticket (1 round trip only)
(Since FY2012)
Research student Monthly 143,000 yen (2 years maximum)
Master's Program Monthly 144,000 yen (The standard course term)
Doctoral Program Monthly 145,000 yen (The standard course term)

There are two types of selection processes for this scholarship.

  1. Embassy Recommendation
    Japanese embassies select and recommend a student for the scholarship. All detailed inquiries should be addressed to the relevant Japanese government office in your country.

    Embassy of Japan in India
    Embassy of Japan in Malaysia
    Embassy of Japan in Indonesia
    Embassy of Japan in Thailand
    Embassy of Japan in Vietnam (in Japanese)

  2. University Recommendation
    Generally eligible students for this type of scholarship should be currently enrolled in institutions that are in partnership with JAIST under an agreement on academic exchanges, or in institutions that have research cooperation or faculty exchanges with JAIST. JAIST recommends a student to Monbukagakusho for a scholarship on condition that the institution where a student is currently enrolled recommends him/her and JAIST has consented to accept the student.
    Application Deadline: Mid January
    Selection: April – June
    * Application Deadline and selection period listed above are standard dates and may be subject to change according to the schedule of Monbukagakusho.

    (Special Slot) Application Guide for Examination for International Priority Graduate Programs for MEXT Scholarship Students

    (General Slot) Application Guide for MEXT Oct 2025.pdf

Chinese Government Scholarship

Based on the MoU with the CSC (China Scholarship Council), JAIST accepts candidates from China who wish to enroll in Master's or Doctoral program. Successful candidates (up to 20) will be provided with international air ticket (round trip, China-Japan), visa application fee and financial support for living expenses in Japan from the Chinese Government. Entrance fee and tuition fee at JAIST will also be exempted. Please refer to the website below for the application guide and other details.

For Master's Program ⇒ Click here
For Doctoral Program ⇒ Click here

Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Scholarship

Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association offers scholarships for Taiwanese students to study at graduate schools in Japan.

For more information, Click here.

Government Scholarship of Student's Own Country

Many countries send students to study abroad on government scholarships. Please refer to the competent authorities of your own country.

Scholarships from Local Governments or Private Foundations

It is possible for students to apply for some of these scholarships before arriving in Japan.
For detailed information, visit the website of Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).

2. Scholarships for Which Students Can Apply After Entering JAIST

While most scholarships from local governments or private foundations require students to obtain recommendation from JAIST and submit an application form via JAIST, there are some scholarships that students can apply for themselves.
Recently international students have been increasing and it is becoming very difficult to win scholarships after entering Japanese institutes. Therefore, it is very important to secure enough financial funds to pursue your studies.

List of Scholarship.pdf

II. Scholarships & Student Loans

1. JAIST Scholarship (Benefit type Scholarship)

In order to provide financially secure graduate school life to students, JAIST offers students benefit type scholarships.

Type of Scholarship Type of Examination Numbers of Recipients Total Benefit Benefit Period
Master's Program Doctoral Program
M Program General Selection, Admission by Recommendation Based on Agreement, Special Selection on Recommendation High achiever of all second year students in the master's program Tuition Fee - 1 year
High achiever of all second year students in the master's program Half of Tuition Fee - 1 year

JAIST Scholarship (M Program) is also applicable to master's students of Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, except for Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences Scholars.
Past Data ⇒ Click here * available only in Japanese.

2.Ph.D Qualifying Examination Scholarship (Benefit type; no repayment required)

Ph.D Qualifying Examination Scholarship is for 5D program students who pass the Ph.D qualifying examination and continue their study in the doctoral courses. 30,000 yen is awarded per month.

3.Employmente-type Financial Aid (Salary for assignment)

JAIST offers employment-type financial aid to students in order to cultivate their abilities to conduct research and to offer on-the-job training as well as financial independence.

Type of Employment Assignment Eligibility
Teaching Assistant
To engage in educational assistant works of experiments, practical works and seminars under supervisor’s instruction Doctoral Program Students
Master’s Program Students
Research Assistant
To engage in research assistant works of experiments and practical works under supervisor’s instruction Doctoral Program Students
Laboratory Assistant
To work on the arranged tasks and to engage in assistant works for their supervisor Master’s Program Students
University Assistant
(UA) *
UA is an abbreviation for University Assistant. All doctoral students (excluding working professionals, etc.) who wish to work as university assistants will be hired to perform research assistance work under the guidance of a supervisor. Depending on the amount of time spent as an UA, students may receive a maximum of approximately 600,000 yen per year. Doctoral Program Students

*This program started in FY2022 as a new financial aid for doctoral students. (excluding Division of Transdiscriplinary Sciences Scholars.)

III. Research Promotion

1. JSPS (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) offers this fellowship for the cultivation of creative researchers who are capable of forging future academic research in Japan by providing research opportunities which to excellent young researchers can devote themselves. JSPS adopts researchers meeting the following conditions as JSPS fellows to provide this research fellowship: graduate students who are currently enrolled in doctoral programs, postdoctoral researchers who have demonstrated excellent research abilities and express their desire to pursue their research at universities or other research institutions, and researchers who have enrolled in doctoral programs demonstrating excellent ability and motivation to become leading researchers in Japan.

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Website

IV. Student Loans

1. JAIST Student Temporary Loan

The purpose of this loan is to support students of JAIST who have fallen into a short-tern economic difficulty, due to illness, natural calamity and other reasons, and are not able to maintain the standards of academic performance and living. JAIST lends this interest-free loan to support the necessary costs of study and living.
For the details ⇒ Click here