Parking Lots, Bicycle Sheds and Transportation Around JAIST
(1) Car Drivers
- ①Pedestrianization
According to the JAIST traffic regulations, cars are not allowed to enter or park on JAIST campus without “Permit for Parking”. Cars parking without the permit are subject to penalties. If you need to park your car on campus temporarily, please contact the Environment Conservation Section, Facility Management Department.
- ②Parking Areas
Car users need to sign a contract to use one of the paid parking lots within JAIST, namely, the On-Campus Parking Lot which is run by JAIST and the Municipal JAIST Parking Lot which is run by Nomi City. Since automated gateways will be used to control access to the parking lots, drivers need a pass to use these parking areas.
For details,please visit the website.The URL is here.
(2) Bicycles and Motorcycles
- ①Application
Bicycles need to be registered if they need to be parked on campus.
Please apply for the registration at the Student Welfare Section, Student Affairs Department. - ②Bicycle Sheds
Bicycles need to be parked at the sheds on campus. Besides the bicycle sheds, bicycles are not allowed to park on campus.
<Off-Campus Students>- Back of the School of Information Science Building
- The School of Materials Science Building
<Student Housing Residents>
- Bicycle sheds around the Student Housings
(3) Transportation around JAIST
- There is an elementary school near JAIST and some streets around the school are designated as a school zone. Please be sure to drive on wider streets avoiding narrow streets around the elementary school and please stop at blind intersections.
- As many head-on collisions have been reported recently around JAIST, please be sure to drive slowly and carefully.
- In wintertime, please prepare snow tires and a shovel before driving. When you drive, please turn on the lights earlier and avoid sudden breaking.
(4) Car Accidents & Theft
In the case of a car accident or theft, please notify the Student Welfare Section, Student Affairs Department immediately.
(5) Updating Driver’s License Information (e.g. address)
- Places and times for procedures
Driver’s License Center (TEL: 076-238-5901)
Weekdays: 8:30-17:00 (excluding holidays)
Sunday: 9:30-12:00, 13:00-15:00
Police Department, Koban, Chuuzaisho
Weekdays: 8:30-17:00 (excluding holidays)
*IC card licenses can only be updated at a police department and the Driver’s License Center. - Necessary documents
①Driver’s License
②Certificate of Residence or National Health Insurance Card or posted mail that has your new address (something to confirm your present address)
(6) Car-sharing
JAIST has introduced car-sharing system as part of student life support. Please refer to the following website for more infomation.