Student Life

Borrowing Items for Students

A variety of items are available for JAIST students. You can borrow items at the Student Welfare Section, Student Affairs Department.

●Borrow & Return: 9:00 - 17:00 (Mondays - Fridays)
●Lending Period: One Week
    • You cannot borrow the same item over a week. More than one-week interval is required to borrow the same item.
    • You cannot make an advanced reservation.
●List of Items:
    • Camping Equipment
      Tents, Tarp,Sleeping bags, Coolers, Folding Tables,Water-proof Sheets,Outdoor Chairs
    • Sports Equipment
      Skis (boots & poles) & Snowboards (boots) *Wears, gloves, goggles are not provided.
      Various ball game equipment (Baseball, Volleyball, Basketball,Tennis, Badminton, Ping-Pong,
      Golf sets,Frisbee
    • Backpacks
    • Digital Cameras
    • Common Bicycles, Electric Bicycles
    • Suitcases

Rules & Regulations

    • Return all the equipments for the next users.
    • You cannot let other people to use the items you borrowed.
    • How to return bicycles:
      1) Return bicycles to the bicycle shed at the side of Student Affairs Department.
      2) Return its key to the Student Welfare Section, Student Affairs Department by yourself.
    • Use items safely. Please take full responsibility for your actions.
    • If you break any items or machines, please report to the Student Welfare Section, Student Affairs Department.
    • Return items by the end of the lending period. We may not lend any items if you are late to return the items.