Designing projects and creating innovation based on knowledge science and MOT in industry-academia-government area and regional collaboration area
SHIMADA Laboratory
Professor:SHIMADA Junichi
[Research areas]
Knowledge Science, Information Science, Network Architecture
Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration, Regional Collaboration, Project Design, MOT, Information and Communications Policy
Skills and background we are looking for in prospective students
We expect you to take a proactive approach to acquiring new knowledge and personal growth, based on your knowledge, experience and character. To advance your studies, we ask you to understand yourself, the human relationships and systems in society. Human beings and society are complex. You need to be polite, persistent, and respectful. In addition, you need to have the ability to respond in Japanese because you are dealing with a project in a local area in Japan.
What you can expect to learn in this laboratory
【Job category of graduates】 ICT-related services and manufacturing
Research outline
Based on our knowledge of promoting industry-academia-government collaboration projects, promoting regional collaboration projects, organizational management, policy planning, etc., we will advance research and development in collaboration with the government, local governments, national research and development agencies, companies, civic tech-related organizations, NPOs, and others.
Key publications
- Node Degree based routing metric for Traffic Load Distribution in the Internet , Junichi SHIMADA, Hitomi TAMURA, Masato UCHIDA, Yuji OIE , IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems , Vol.E96-D , No.2 , pp.202-212 , 2013
- Inducing Scale-Free Characteristics of Dynamic Unstructured P2P Networks , Junichi Shimada, Kei Ohnishi, Hitomi Tamura and Yuji Oie , The 26th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2012) , March 2012
- JGN (Testbed Network Environment for Research & Development) and ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Research & Development , THE JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFOMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS , 90 , (1) , 63 - 79 , 2007-01-251.
Teaching policy
Our laboratory members aim to conduct research with respect, sharing, resonating, co-evolving, co-creating, and emergent ideas. We place emphasis on what "might be useful when you enter society" and aim to acquire individual skills such as methodologies for acquiring knowledge and strategies for dealing with society. To achieve this, we expect you to improve your ability to coordinate and negotiate with various stakeholders and acquire a wide range of skills and knowledge.