Research on supporting knowledge improvement in group
NISHIMURA Laboratory
Senior Lecturer:IJUIN Koki
[Research areas]
Knowledge Engineering, Cognitive Science, HI, Human Interaction, AI
Structuring Knowledge, Knowledge Transfer, Multimodal
Skills and background we are looking for in prospective students
Students must have the ability to logically understand and explain the content of previous research.
It is also desirable for students to have an interest in a variety of topics in order to encourage interaction across research fields such as knowledge engineering, cognitive science, and information design.
What you can expect to learn in this laboratory
Basic theory and practical experience in fields such as knowledge engineering, cognitive science, and information design. Logical thinking ability through those learning
Insight and communication skills for discovering social issues through collaborative research.
【Job category of graduates】DX-related work in the manufacturing and service industries
Research outline
This laboratory is conducting research on support methods for accumulating knowledge in an organization and constructing knowledge that will continue to be used. Specifically, we are working with various sites to propose new knowledge structuring methods and knowledge transmission methods and to implement them in society.
(1) Proposal of Knowledge Structuring Method for Skilled Workers
In most cases, the knowledge of a skilled person is implicitly constructed based on the experiences and thoughts that he / she has cultivated, so it is important for the organization or group to appropriately convey part of the knowledge of a skilled person.
In this research theme, we will explore the nature of knowledge that is really used in the field through observations of the field and interviews with experts, with the aim of structuring it in an appropriate form.
(2) On-site implementation of knowledge transfer activities
In this research theme, we collaborate with researchers in information design and the social sciences to explore new knowledge transmission activities and the technologies and systems that support them.
This laboratory is conducting joint research on these themes with manufacturing sites, nursing care sites, and consulting companies, we will engage in research aimed at practical social implementation.
We are also conducting research on the discovery of basic technologies related to the above research themes, with the aim of supporting society from an academic perspective by exploring the structuring and systematization of facilitation skills and dialogue strategies in workshops conducted as knowledge transfer activities.
Key publications
- “Methodology of Structuring Knowledge by Discussing Purposes of Each Action in Procedure-based Knowledge Graph: Structuring Purpose-based Knowledge Graph with Care-giving Experts”, Koki Ijuin, at al., Journal of IPSJ, vol.63(1), pp.104-115, 2022
- “Human-Centric Digital Twin Focused on “Gen-Ba” Knowledge: Conceptual Model and Examples by Smart Voice Messaging System.”, Naoshi Uchihira, Takuichi Nishimura, Koki Ijuin, PICMET, 2023
- "Difference in eye gaze for floor apportionment in native-and second-language conversations,", Koki Ijuin, et al., Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 42(1): pp. 113-128, 2018
Motion capture, Eye tracking system, Knowledge structuring support system
Teaching policy
From the perspective of research fields such as knowledge engineering, cognitive science, and information design, we conduct research that is useful in the field through field observations, case studies, knowledge structuring, laboratory experiments, and field experiments.
The seminar is held twice a week, and participants take turns reporting on their research progress. In addition, we plan to hold joint lectures with other laboratories to share information on previous research and important literature. Once or twice a year, we plan to practice poster presentation at joint study groups with other university laboratories.
In order to create opportunities for students to learn about various research fields and to interact with various researchers and business people, we aim to create laboratories where students can engage in wide-ranging exploration with curiosity.
[Website] URL:https://sites.google.com/view/nishimuralab/home