Graduate School/Areas

Research Center for Carbon Neutral

The Center conducts research on materials, such as polymeric materials that can withstand multiple recycling and do not degrade during processing and use, and environmentally adaptable materials including optical functional materials for energy storage and energy conservation with the intent of effective use of carbon dioxide, and on processes for highly efficient conversion of renewable and carbon neutral biomass resources. Additionally, the Center promotes technological development in order to achieve the de-carbonization of society as well as early realization of a sustainable society through research on highly functional materials utilizing AI, DX, and other information technologies.



Director YAMAGUCHI, Masayuki Professor (Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area)
NAGAO, Yuki Professor (Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area)
HUYNH, Nam Van Professor (Co-creative Intelligence Research Area)
YUIZONO, Takaya Professor (Creative Society Design Research Area)
UEDA, Jumpei Associate Professor (Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area)
NISHIMURA, Shun Associate Professor (Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area)
WADA, Toru Assistant Professor (Materials Chemistry Frontiers Research Area)