The creative society design research area aims to design a creative society, where everyone can lead a radiant and enriched life, we will take an intellectual odyssey that integrates and transcends science, technology, and art,approaching it from both the human element and the machine element (or both analog and digital elements).Specifically, we will conduct: 1) research on information technology and interaction related to expression andcollaborative activities that take human creativity into account; 2) research on social systems using simulationtechnology and network science to realize safety and security; and 3) research on design that brings innovationin products and services by incorporating human sensibilities and values. Through these three research areas, we aim to realize a human society in which everyone can contribute to innovation to improve QoL (Quality of Life)and achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
Creativity Support, Social Network, Design Thinking, Human Computer Interaction, Media Interaction,Visual Computing, Disaster Science, Resilience Engineering, Urban Design & Health, Network Science, Collaboration, InterculturalCommunication, Pervasive Technology, Embodied Cognition, STEAM Education, Data Science/AI Applications
This research area promotes interdisciplinary research that spans a variety of specialized fields, includinginformation systems, mathematical systems, interaction, media, design, and skill science, with the aim of realizinga creative society in which everyone can play an active role. Therefore, we look forward to the participation ofstudents who are full of creativity and have the spirit to integrate and transcend science, technology, and art. Ineducation, students have research and development of social systems using Information Systems, Data Science,and AI technology, etc. to support people's intellectual activities, and design research on various products andservices. They will become advanced scientifi c and technological human resources, who can integrate humanfactors and science and technology, and they will contribute to Society 5.0-type innovation based on the premise of improving QoL and achieving the SDGs.