President Message

After the establishment in October 1990, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) has produced world top-level research achievements in a wide range of the fields of advanced science and technology, and has developed excellent human resources
“The Outline of Concept of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology” issued in September, 1990 and called “The Yellow Book” was considered as a bible for the founding of JAIST. It set the purposes of the establishment to “fostering university researchers and developing researchers and engineers for industry” as well as “promoting advanced basic research in the fields of advanced science and technology.
Based on the purposes of the establishment, we formulated the "The Future Vision of JAIST" as a guideline for fostering globally active human resources and aiming to become the world's top research university.
[The Future Vision of JAIST] Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) aims to become a world’s top research university for innovation creation. While advancing the sophistication and excellence of its original research, JAIST opens up the future of science and technology and contributes to sustainable development through new co-creation based on global-scale collaborations with domestic and overseas universities, research institutes and industry. Taking advantage of the integrated graduate school, JAIST welcomes motivated students widely from all over the world and fosters them to become global leaders who hold solid expertise in advanced science and technology with "Resilience and Co-creativity " to lead the new era. |
World-class Research
With regard to research, we value the expertise of each faculty member and promote the development of new research fields through collaborations with researchers in Japan and overseas. Using a variety of governmental funds obtained recently, JAIST also aims to establish its function as a research hub for advanced science and technology by strengthening broad collaborations with universities, public research institutes, and corporations around the world. JAIST will build a network of research collaborations throughout Japan and the world.
State-of-the-art Education System
We believe that students should be involved in “the creation of science and technology” in order to “foster leading human resources who can pioneer a new world through the creation of science and technology", as stated in the principle of JAIST. Therefore, in addition to the research guidance by the faculty, it is necessary to provide a systematic education consisting of the wide range of knowledge to make the guidance more effective and methodology for its practical application. Such education is the foundation for students to take active roles in society after graduation. In order to produce excellent achievements, it is important and necessary for students to possess solid basic knowledge and methodology of problem solving. While maintaining the educational characteristics of JAIST that any courses can be selected from all the fields flexibly, we will continue to reform our curriculum as the integrated graduate school. We believe that the updated and fulfilling curriculum is quite important for university education.
Student Recruitment and Support
With regard to student recruitment, since the number of applicants for the master's program has already reached far more than its quota, we will proceed the fulfilling and stable procedure in the future, including international students. For this reason, we will promote the acquisition of students through the cooperation with faculty members of other universities and the conclusion of agreements on admission by recommendation with universities throughout Japan. To the acquisition of doctoral program, we will dedicate our best efforts because the increase has a direct effect on the improvement of our research capabilities. Some prospective doctoral students seem to hesitate to enter the doctoral program due to financial difficulties or concern about their career paths after graduation. Therefore, we will promote drastic changes in financial support for doctoral students.
Campus Environmentally Rich in Diversity
Nearly 40% of our students are international students from about 20 countries overseas, and many of our classes are conducted in English. We believe that maintaining such an environmentally rich in diversity will be effective in fostering human resources who can play an active role on the global stage.
Reskill & Recurrent Education for Working Professionals
As for the recurrent education for working professionals at our Tokyo Satellite Campus, we have a long history, centering on the program of management of technology (MOT). Currently, in addition to MOT, we are offering a variety of programs including AI innovation. We accept many working professionals as regular students. From now on, we will work on accepting non-regular students in addition to the regular students through the development of a broader range of programs, such as opening seminars on specific themes, timing, and period. We have established Center for Reskill & Recurrent Education to promote this activity in April 2022.
Promotion and Utilization of Industry-Academia Collaborations
With regard to industry-academia collaboration, JAIST has promoted it since early years right after its foundation. Industry-academia collaboration, which is represented by joint research with companies, has many research benefits, such as acquiring research funds and implementing research outcomes in society. If students participate in such joint research, they will have an opportunity to capture their research from a broader viewpoints, such as practicality, cost, and the treatment of intellectual property, which become significant educational benefits. Understanding the educational benefits of the industry-academic collaborations, JAIST has established a system of visiting professors to utilize their knowledge of the industrial world and ask them to be involved in education of JAIST. We are planning to ask those visiting professors to teach some introductory courses for working professionals so that we will be able to make it another special feature of JAIST education in the future.
"Matching HUB"
“Matching HUB” is a premier event of JAIST related to industry-academia and regional collaborations leading to the innovation, which has been held continuously every year and expanded throughout Japan. The ninth event held in Kanazawa in November 2022 had 1,634 participants including online audience. From the fourth event in 2017, a student idea contest called “Matching HUB Business Idea & Plan Competition” (M-BIP) has been held and we have enjoyed dozens of applications from all over JAPAN. Matching HUB has been introduced to Kumamoto, Otaru, Sapporo, Tokushima, Nagaoka and other parts of Japan. By networking them, we are contributing to the revitalization of not only the regions where the events are held but also the entire country.
JAIST will develop itself further as a world-leading research university with the mission of "promoting world top-level research, developing human resource development through it, and contributing to society through education and research. "Now, the world is in the quite serious situation by the spread of Coronavirus infection. JAIST contributes to develop the technology to overcome such world crisis.