
先端科学技術研究科 博士後期課程2年 佐光 巧さん

留学先機関名:ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)


 私は山口政之教授の指導の下、高分子材料の力学特性や成形加工について研究を行っています。これまでにも国際学会での発表等で海外経験はありましたが、ある程度長期間海外に滞在して研究を行うことで、自分の研究能力を更に磨きたいと考えていました。今回の留学では、プラスチック成形加工、レオロジーの分野で著名なChristopher Macosko教授の研究室に受け入れていただき、副テーマ研究を実施しました。




 Macosko教授の研究室にVisiting studentとして在籍し副テーマ研究を実施しました。副テーマ研究では、生分解性プラスチックとして注目されているポリ乳酸 (PLA) の耐衝撃性について取り組みました。PLAは近年、包装材料を中心に利用が広まりつつありますが、脆く衝撃に弱いため、構造材料としての利用は限られています。少量の添加剤によりPLAを柔軟にする手法について研究し、3か月という限られた期間ではありましたが、良い成果が得られたと思います。









所属していた学科の研究科棟 Macosko教授(左)と佐光さん(中央)
ミネソタ大学で所属していた学科の研究科棟      Macosko教授(左)と佐光さん(中央)

Hello, everyone. I am Takumi Sako and 2nd-year doctoral student in Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology. I had studied at the University of Minnesota in the USA for 3 months from March, 2017 to May, 2017. I would like to tell you about my experience during the study.

Minnesota might be unfamiliar to Japanese people. It is located in the north central America and there is a big city named Minneapolis, which is about 600km away to the west from Chicago. Since it is the area in high latitudes and midland, the winter temperatures drop to about minus 10 degrees Celsius. I have lived in Hokuriku which is one of the snowy areas in Japan for 4 years and I am used to snowing though, it is hard to adapt to the cold climate.

In JAIST, I am a member of Prof. Masayuki Yamaguchi's laboratory and study about molding processing and dynamic characteristic of plastic material. My minor research was carried out under Prof. Christopher Macosko who is well-known for his study in molding processing of plastic material and rheology. I worked on research in impact resistance of polylactic acid (PLA) which is attracting attention as biodegradable plastic. In recent years, PLA has been utilized as packaging material mainly but it is limited to be made use of as structure material because it is fragile and vulnerable to impact. I think that I obtained a good product of research on technique to make PLA flexible with a little additive in only 3 months.

During the stay, I found leading a daily life in a foreign country harder than studying. I had to do every procedure such as payment on accommodation fees in English and the system is different from Japanese system. I was confused with the situation and didn't know how to deal with it. Fortunately, I was able to be friends with many short-term students from all over the world in a similar situation like me and we could help each other and get through some difficulties. Having talked and been friends with not only American but also students from all over the world is one of my good experiences I got during the stay.

Lastly, to Japanese students in JAIST, student life in JAIST gives you many chances to spend with international students. This is advantageous to you compared to Japanese students in other universities. I want you to challenge yourself to study abroad using the advantage. As for the expense, you can be supported by JAIST. I recommend studying abroad actively.
